Muslim Hope
比較新約和古蘭經的可靠性 II
這些經文不存在。與之相對的是,有25個詞。我幾乎不會把這段文字包括在內,因為今天大多數學者都認為它不在古代手抄本中。正如《聖經總論》(第484頁)所說,「事實上,接受較長的譯文作為約翰一書文本的真正組成部分,幾乎違背了文本批評的所有主要法則。」然而,更喜愛英王欽定版(King James Version)聖經的基督徒一般都接受這段話,所以我把它包括在內。
166個詞。與之相對的是,這些經文不存在 。在梵蒂岡本和西奈抄本中沒有,在亞力山大的革利免(Clement of Alexandria)(公元193—217/220年)的記錄中也沒有,但殉道者游斯丁(Justin Martyr)的《護教書》(First Apology)(約公元150年)、《四福音合參》(The Diatessaron)(約公元172年)、愛任鈕(Irenaeus)(公元182—188年)、特土良(Tertullian)(公元198—220年)和38個古代文獻都提到它。因此,假如它是附加補充,它應該是在約公元150年之前添加的,那時殉道者游斯丁寫了他的《護教書》。假如它被刪除,那麼它應該在公元217/220年亞力山大的革利免之前被刪除。
「…晚上天發紅,你們就說,天必要晴。早晨天發紅,又發黑,你們就說,今日必有風雨。你們知道分辨天上的氣色,倒不能分辨這時候的神蹟…」另一種說法是,埃及手抄本中沒有這段文字,那裡的氣候乾燥,「天發紅」(red skies)並不意味著下雨。關於這一變體的更多信息,請參見布魯斯•梅茨格在《希臘文新約聖經文本注釋》(A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament)(第二版)第33頁。(31詞)
「動了慈心」(being moved with compassion/being filled with pity),與之相對的是,「心裡動怒」(being moved with anger)(1個詞)。
這些經文不存在。與之相對的是,「這就應了經上的話說,他被列在罪犯(transgressors/ lawless ones)之中。」(10個詞)這節經文最早見於《四福音合參》(約公元172年)。
古蘭經星宿篇(The Star Sura)(53章)第19—20節說,「他們告訴我吧!拉特和歐薩,以及排行第三,也是最次的默那,怎麼是真主的女兒呢?」
解讀:真主安拉的女兒們被認為是天上的人和代求者。高空的努米底亞仙鶴(是對她們的一種暗喻。「是值得期待的」(turtaja)的另一種讀法是「被稱許接受的」(turtada)。(摘自阿爾弗雷德•紀堯姆(Alfred Guillaume)翻譯的伊本•易斯哈格(Ibn Ishaq)的《穆罕默德生平》(The Life of Mohammed)第166頁)
瓦希迪(Al-Wahidi/Wakidi)(卒於伊斯蘭曆207年/公元823年)寫道阿薩博•諾祖爾(Asbab al-Nozul)。「在某一天,麥加的首領們聚集在天房(Kaaba)旁邊,按照他們的習慣討論城市的事務;這時,穆罕默德出現了,他以友好的方式坐在他們身邊,開始在他們的耳邊誦讀古蘭經53章…『他們告訴我吧!拉特和歐薩,以及排行第三,也是最次的默那,怎麼是真主的女兒呢?』當他念到這節經文時,魔鬼建議他表達在他靈魂中盤踞多日的想法,並把他一直渴望從真主那裡得到的和解與妥協的話塞進他的嘴裡,也就是,『這些是高貴的女性,她們的說情是非常值得期待的。』古萊什人(Coreish)對這種承認他們的神靈的做法感到驚訝和高興;隨著穆罕默德用結尾的話來結束這一章,『你們應當為真主而叩頭,應當崇拜他。』整個集會都行動一致地跪倒在地上,進行崇拜…傍晚時分,吉卜利里(Gabriel)【加百列】拜訪了他,先知向他誦讀了古蘭經的話。吉卜利里說,『你所做的是什麼事呢?你在眾人面前重複了我從未給過你的話語。』於是,穆罕默德悲痛欲絕,…」
伊本•薩阿德(Ibn Sa’ad/Sa’d)(卒於伊斯蘭曆230年/公元845年),知道瓦希迪的作品,但他自己是一個傳記作家,寫了15卷的《主要階層之書》(Kitab al Tabaqat al Kabir)(The Book of the Major Classes)。
伊本•易斯哈格(Ibn Isaq/Ishaq)(卒於伊斯蘭曆145/公元767或伊斯蘭曆151/公元773),是一位沙非也學派(Shafi’ite)遜尼派信徒,後來也創立了自己短暫存在的學派。他寫了《真主先知的生平》(Sirat Rasullallah)。「【遷士】一直留在原地【埃塞俄比亞,直到他們聽說麥加的人們接受了伊斯蘭並倒地跪拜。這是因為星宿篇(the chapter of The Star)【古蘭經53章】已降示給穆罕默德,使者誦讀了它。穆斯林和多神論者都靜靜地聽著,直到他說到『他們告訴我吧!拉特和歐薩』(Have you seen al-Lat and al-Uzza),他們專心致志地聽他講,而信士們則相信【他們的先知】。有些人聽到撒旦的『saj』後就 叛教了,他們說,『以真主為證,我們要侍奉她們(仙鶴),以便她們使我們接近真主。』撒旦把這兩節經文傳授給每個多神論者,他們的舌頭很容易就接受了。這給使者帶來了沉重的負擔,直到吉卜利里來到他身邊抱怨…」(他提到的傳承鏈是:Yazid bin Ziyad —> Mohammed bin Ishaq —> Salama —> Ibn Hamid —> ibn Isaq)
伊本•賈里爾•塔巴里(Ibn Jarir al-Tabari)(卒於公元923年)是一位沙非也學派遜尼派信徒,他撰寫了38卷的直到公元915年的伊斯蘭的世界史。他被稱為「注釋者的族長」(the sheikh of commentators)。他在第6卷第108—110頁寫道,「當真主的使者看到他的部族如何背棄他,看到他們回避他從真主那裡帶來的信息而感到悲傷時,他在靈魂深處渴望有什麼東西從真主那裡來到他身邊,使他與他的部族和解…當他說到這句話時,『他們告訴我吧!拉特和歐薩,以及排行第三,也是最次的默那,怎麼是真主的女兒呢?』因為他內心的辯論以及他想帶給他的人民的東西,撒旦佔據了他的舌頭,投下了這句話,『這些是高飛的仙鶴,她們的說情是被非常稱許接受的【另一種說法:期望得到的/值得期待的】。』當古萊什人(Quraysh)聽到這句話時,他們歡欣鼓舞,對他談論他們的神靈的方式感到高興和喜悅,他們聽從了他,而穆斯林對他們的先知從真主那裡帶來的信息完全信任,沒有懷疑他的差錯、幻覺或失誤…接下來,【之後】吉卜利里來到真主的使者面前說,『穆罕默德,你做了什麼事呢?你向人們誦讀了我沒有從真主那裡給你帶來的東西,…』」
1)霍拉桑(Chorassan)的阿布•馬沙爾(Abu Ma’shar)(伊斯蘭曆787—885年)
2)伊本•阿比•哈蒂姆(Ibn Abi Hatim)
3)伊本•蒙迪爾(Ibn al-Mundhir)
4)阿斯卡隆(Asqalaan)的伊本•哈傑爾(Ibn Hajar)(伊斯蘭曆773—852年)
5)伊本•瑪律道耶(Ibn Mardauyah)
6)穆薩•伊本•奧卡巴(Musa ibn ‘Uqba)
前六個是根據《主要階層之書》,由毛努爾•哈克(S. Moinul ‘Haq)翻譯。
卡布•庫拉齊(Ka’b al-Qurazi),伊斯蘭最偉大的早期古蘭經 學者之一。
烏爾瓦•本•祖拜爾(Urwah ibn al-Zubayr),一位早期麥加學者,被稱為穆罕默德生平研究的創始人。他也是阿伊莎(Aisha)的侄子和阿布•伯克爾(Abu Bakr)的女兒(Asma)阿斯瑪的兒子—最早皈依伊斯蘭的20人之一。
阿布•伯克爾•伊本•阿卜杜勒•拉赫曼•伊本•哈里斯(Abu Bakr ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Harith),第一世紀伊斯蘭法律的頂級學者之一。
阿布•阿里耶•巴斯里(Abu al-Aliyah al-Basri),第一世紀另一位最偉大的古蘭經學者。他與哈里發歐麥爾(Umar)、烏拜•本•卡布(Ubayy ibn Ka’b)、扎伊德•本•塔比特(Zayd ibn Thabit)和伊本•阿巴斯(Ibn Abbas)一起研究古蘭經。
穆罕默德•伊本•撒布•凱爾比(Muhammad ibn al-Sa’ib al-Kalbi),一位早期的注釋者,他創作了直到他那個時代為止最長的(古蘭經)經注(Tafsir)。
蓋塔岱•伊本•達爾馬(Qatadah ibn Di'amah),伊斯蘭最偉大的早期注釋者之一。
達哈克•伊本•穆扎西姆•巴爾基(al-Dahhak ibn Muzahim al-Balkhi ),第一世紀的經注專家。
伊本•阿巴斯(Ibn Abbas)本人,是古蘭經研究的創始人。
賽義德•伊本•朱拜爾(Sa’id ibn Jubayr),他是他那個時代主要的古蘭經學者之一,也是伊本•阿巴斯的最好的學生之一。伊本•阿巴斯的一些敘述(narratives)是通過賽義德•本•朱拜爾進行的。
撒旦詩篇(Satanic Verses)的間接證據:古蘭經和布哈里聖訓(Bukhari Hadiths)
布哈里(Bukhari)死於公元870年左右(甚至比所列四個資料中的三個還要晚)。當穆罕默德說起古蘭經星宿篇(the Star Sura)時,異教徒和穆斯林都要跪拜。(《布哈里聖訓》第3卷第19冊編號173第100頁;第3卷第19冊編號176第101頁;第6卷第60冊編號385—386第364—365頁;《阿布達烏德聖訓》(Abu Dawud)第1卷第2冊第481章編號1401第369頁)據說異教徒沒有因為穆罕默德的其他誦讀而跪拜,為什麼他們會對這段古蘭經如此認同,尤其是《布哈里聖訓》和《阿布達烏德聖訓》從沒有說過這些異 教徒變成穆斯林,而且這是在與這些麥加異教徒的戰鬥之前。
請注意,盡管有些人聲稱古蘭經17:73—75是在「先知升天」(Ascent of the Prophet)的時候揭示的,但塔巴里和伊本•薩阿德寫道,古蘭經17:73—75大約是在撒旦詩篇的時候揭示的。穆斯林甚至對撒旦的低語有一個專門的術語,大致讀作「wiswas」。
丟失的黃金谷篇(the Valley of Gold)古蘭經:Abu Harb b. Abu al-Aswad根據他父親的授權記錄說,Abu Musa al-Ash’ari說:「…我們曾經誦讀過一章古蘭經,其長度和嚴厲(的態度)與(古蘭經)懺悔(討白)篇(Bara’at)相似。但是,我已經忘記了,我只記得其中的一句話:『如果阿丹(Adam)的兒子有兩個充滿財富的山谷,他將會渴望第三個山谷,除了灰塵,沒有什麼能填滿阿丹的兒子的肚腹。』我們曾經誦讀過一章古蘭經,它與讚美篇(Musabbihat)古蘭經的其中一章相似,我已經忘記了,但記得其中有(這些)話說,『信道的人們啊!你們為什麼說你們沒有實行的事』(61:2),以及『那是記錄在你們的脖子上的,作為(對你們不利的)的見證,在復活之日你們將被問及此事』」(17:13)。(《穆斯林聖訓》(Sahih Muslim)第2卷第5冊第391章編號2286第500,501頁)
同樣,《布哈里聖訓》第8卷第76冊第10章編號444—447第296—298頁也敘述了這一點。444、445和447只是說先知說了這個。446說,伊本•阿茲•祖貝爾(Ibn Az-Zubair)在一次佈道中說了這句話,「我們認為這是古蘭經中的一句話,直到古蘭經102:1被揭示。」
一位穆斯林讀者指出,《布哈里聖訓》編號446說他們只認為這是古蘭經的一節經文,所以有些穆斯林可能在一段時間內錯誤地說這是古蘭經的一部分。那麼,這是否意味著這樣的一些穆斯林錯誤地把它列入了古蘭經,就像《布哈里聖訓》編號446所說的那樣,還是說 它確實是古蘭經的一部分,但後來像《穆斯林聖訓》所說的那樣被拿掉了?為了回答這個問題,我們應該問在古蘭經中是否有任何【其他】經文曾經存在,但被「取消」(悄悄地刪除),而且沒有證據表明它們曾錯誤地出現在古蘭經中。答案是,有的。
哺乳(Sucklings):「葉哈雅(Yahya)告知我,從馬利克(Malik)得知,從Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr ibn Hazm得知,從Amra bint Abd ar-Rahman得知,先知穆罕默德的妻子阿伊莎…說,『在古蘭經所降示的內容中,有「十個已知的哺乳是有害的」—然後它被「五個已知的哺乳」廢除了。當真主的使者,願真主保佑他並賜予他平安,去世時,這就是現在所誦讀的古蘭經。』一個男人會去和他的女奴性交,他的妻子去給她哺乳。之後,他的妻子警告她,由於她的所作所為,他不能再這樣做了。於是那人去找歐麥爾(‘Umar),歐麥爾讓他打他的妻子,去找他的女奴,因為哺乳只適用於年輕人。」(馬利克(Malik),《穆婉塔聖訓》(Muwatta)30.3.17)
阿伊莎說有127節經文丟失。在公元795年的一份文獻(Abu ‘Ubaid的Kitab Fadail al Quran)中,阿伊莎說,一章古蘭經有200節。經過奧斯曼的「標準化」,今天它有73節。也就是說,200節經文中有127節消失了。無論你以阿伊莎說這句話時的資料為准(當時古蘭經正在進行標準化),還是以公元795年的日期為准(大約150年後),這都是古蘭經的傳承不可靠的有力證據。
古蘭經2:208:阿伊莎獲得自由的奴隸阿布•尤努斯(Abu Yunus)為阿伊莎抄錄了一份古蘭經的抄本。這本古蘭經的抄本在古蘭經2:208處有些不同。「阿伊莎的獲得自由的奴隸阿布•尤努斯說:『阿伊莎(願真主喜悅她)命令我為她抄錄一份古蘭經,並說,當你抄到這段經文:「謹守禱告和中午的禱告』(Guard the prayers and the middle prayer),通知我;所以當我抄到這裡,我通知她,她給(像這樣的)我口述:謹守禱告和中午的禱告,以及下午的禱告,並站起來真正地順從真主。阿伊莎(願真主喜悅她)說:我是這樣從真主的使者(願真主的祝福和平安臨到他)那裡聽來的。』」(奈薩儀聖訓(Sunan Nasa’i),第1卷編號475,第340頁)
「伊瑪目艾哈邁德(Ahmad)的兒子阿卜杜拉(Abdullah)在《Zawaa’id al-Musnad》(21207)中敘述,阿卜杜勒•拉扎克(‘Abd ar-Razzaaq)在《al-Musannaf》(599)中敘述,伊本•希巴安(Ibn Hibbaan)在他的《Saheeh》(4428)中敘述,哈金(al-Haakim)在《al-Mustadrak》(8068)中敘述,白哈齊(al-Bayhaqi)在《as-Sunan》(16911)中敘述,伊本•哈茲姆(Ibn Hazm)在《al-Muhalla》(12/175)中敘述,經由‘Aasim ibn Bahdalah,來自Zirr,他說:Ubayy ibn Ka‘b對我說:你讀(古蘭經)同盟軍(艾哈薩布)篇(Soorat al-Ahzaab)時有多長?或者你認為它有多少節?我對他說:七十三節。他說:只有這麼多嗎?曾幾何時,它跟黃牛(巴格勒)篇(Soorat al-Baqarah)一樣長,我們在其中讀到,『 老年人和老婦人,如果他們犯了姦淫(zina),就用石頭打死他們倆,這是真主的懲罰,真主是全能的,是全知的。』
伊本•卡錫爾(Ibn Katheer)(願真主憐憫他)說:
《伊本卡錫爾經注》(Tafseer Ibn Katheer)(6/335)
有一個可以佐證的記錄,阿卜杜拉•本•艾哈邁德(‘Abdullah ibn Ahmad)在《Zawaa’id al-Musnad》(21206)中敘述:Wahb ibn Baqiyyah告訴我:Khaalid ibn ‘Abdullah at-Tahhaan通知我,從Yazeed ibn Abi Ziyaad得知,從Zirr ibn Hubaysh得知,從Ubayy ibn Ka‘b得知,他說:你在同盟軍(艾哈薩布)篇誦讀了多少(經文)?他說:七十多節。他說:我們和真主的使者(願真主的祝福和平安臨到他)一起誦讀它,就像黃牛(巴格勒)篇一樣,或者比它更多,而且查證石刑的經文就在其中。
Yazeed ibn Abi Ziyaad是弱 的(da'eef),但是這段聖訓(hadeeth)並無不妥,因為它有確鑿的證據。
烏拜•本•卡布(Ubai bin Ka’b),穆罕默德的秘書之一,有額外的古蘭經章經文,並在今天的古蘭經中省略了約12章經文(《群書類述》(The Fihrist)第61頁,註腳43—48)。巴士拉(Basra)的阿布•穆薩(Abu Musa)也有一個與烏拜(Ubai)相同的文本。(Suyuti,Itqan I,p. 65;Ibn Abi Dawud,Masahif,pp. 180-181,also Noeldeke,Geschichte des Quran's,pp. 33-38.)
真主啊!我們尋求你的幫助,祈求你的寬恕,我們讚美你,沒有不信奉你。我們脫離並離開對你犯罪的人。(al-Khal of ‘Ubai bin Ka’b'(http://answeringislam.org.uk/Quran/Miracle/ubay.html#khal),`Separation')
阿卜杜拉•伊本•馬斯烏德(‘Abdallah ibn Mas’ud)是穆罕默德說要向其學習古蘭經的四個人之一。然而,努里(Al-Nuri)列出了伊本•馬斯烏德的版本中有而在今天古蘭經中沒有的經文。
我們已經見到了我們的主…「阿納斯•本•馬立克(Anas bin Malik)敘述:…有一段古蘭經的經文的啟示是關於在比勒•瑪瑙(Bi’r-Ma’una)被殺的人,我們曾經背誦讀,但後來被取消了。這段經文是:『告訴我們的人民,我們已經見到了我們的主。他對我們很滿意,他使我們很滿意。』」(《布哈里聖訓》第4卷第52冊第19章編號69第53頁。)
另見《塔巴里歷史》(History of al-Tabari)第7卷第156頁。
在《群書類述》第72頁,作者易斯哈格•納迪姆(Ishaq al-Nadim)寫道,「據說,他【Ibn Shanabudh】承認了所有這些【變體】。然後,他被感動得悔恨不已,親手 書寫他的悔悟,所以他寫道:『穆罕默德•伊本•艾哈邁德•伊本•阿尤布(Muhammed ibn Ahmad ibn Ayyub)【Ibn Shanabudh】如是說:我曾經讀過與‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan的版本不同的表達方式…』」【由於奧斯曼曾威脅那些有不同版本的人,這份告白可能有強迫的成分在裡面。】
今天有非常早期的古蘭經抄本。然而,如果有太多的變體,早期的手抄本並不能幫助證明其可靠性。在撒馬爾罕(Samarkand)發現了一份手抄本,在也門發現了超過15,000頁的古蘭經文本。根據1999年1月《大西洋月刊》(Atlantic Monthly)上的一篇文章(第43—56頁):
《布哈里聖訓》6:509說,當某些人死亡時,只有他們知道的古蘭經的部分內容就會丟失。其他說到古蘭經部分內容丟失和/或被廢除的《布哈里聖訓》有4:57、62、69、229;6:510、511。根據亞瑟•傑佛瑞(Author Jeffery)(編輯),《古蘭經文本歷史的資料》(Materials for the History of the Text of the Quran),1937年,僅伊本•馬斯烏德就造成了1,700多個不同的讀法。【www.isaalmasih.net/bible-isa/history.html】
古蘭經1:5 hiyaka相對於iyaka
古蘭經1:6 irshadna相對於ihdina【www.Answeringislam.org】
古蘭經2:10 yakdhibuuna (Hafs)相對於古蘭經2:9 yukadhibuuna(Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(母音)
古蘭經2:58「he forgives」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「We forgive」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex … Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經2:85「they do」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「you do」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex .. Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經2:106:「And for whatever verse We abrogate or cast into oblivion, We bring a better or the like of it」did not originally have「or the like of it」.
古蘭經2:119「and do not ask!」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「and you are not asked」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex … Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經2:125「you shall take」(Hafs)相對於「they have taken」(Warsh) one vowel difference
古蘭經2:132 wawassaa(Hafs)相對於古蘭經2:131 wa’awsaa (Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(輔音)
古蘭經2:132 himu (Hafs)相對於古蘭經131 hiimu (Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】 (母音)
古蘭經2:140 taquluna(Hafs)相對於古蘭經2:139 yaguluna(Warsh)(only diacritical marks different)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(dots)
古蘭經2:184 ta’aamu miskiinin(Hafs)相對於古蘭經2:183 ta’aami masakiina(Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(母音)
古蘭經2:184「poor people」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「a poor person」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex .. Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經2:193「and all of the religion is for Allah」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「and the religion is for Allah」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:196「and do not shave until」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「and do not shave your heads until」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:196「and if there is someone sick from among you / should one of you be sick」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「and whoever is sick from among you / if any of you be sick」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org and https://bible-quran.com/quran-manuscripts-copyist-errors/#easy-footnote-bottom-8-12991)
古蘭經2:196「from fasting or sacrifice」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「from fasting or charity or sacrifice」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:196「his minor pilgrimage」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「the minor pilgrimage」(Mishaf al-Madinah) (www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:197「what you do」【taʕmalu】(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「what you do”【tafʕalu】 (Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:201「in the world and in the hereafter, and」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「in the world, good, and in the hereafter, good, and」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org and https://bible-quran.com/quran-manuscripts-copyist-errors/#easy-footnote-bottom-8-12991)
古蘭經2:208: Abu Yunus the freed slave of ‘Aisha transcribed a copy of the Qur’an for ‘Aisha. It was a somewhat different in 古蘭經2:208.「Abu Yunus, the freed slave of ‘A’isha said: ‘A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) ordered me to transcribe a copy of the Qur’an for her and said: When you reach this verse: ‘Guard the prayers and the middle prayer’(2:28)inform me; so when I reached it, I informed her and she gave me dictation (like this): Guard the prayer and the middle prayer and the afternoon prayer, and stand up truly obedient to Allah. ‘A’isha (Allah be please with her) said: This is how I have heard from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)」Sunan Nasa’i vol.1 no. 475 p. 340
古蘭經2:210「that Allah should come to you」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「that Allah should come to them」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:213【absent】(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「envying one another」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:214 yaguula (Hafs)相對於古蘭經2:212 yaguulu(Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(母音)
古蘭經2:220「And their brothers」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「And your brothers」(Mishaf al-Madinah) (www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:221【absent】(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「by his permission」(Mishaf al-Madinah) (www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經2:248 al-tubah相對於al-tabut(could not be confused based on diacritical marks)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Responses/Menj/bravo_r4bc.htm】
古蘭經2:251「And if Allah did not defend」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「And if Allah did not repel」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經2:259 nunshizuhaa(Hafs)相對於古蘭經2:258 nunshiruhaa(Warsh)(different diacritical marks)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(dots)
古蘭經3:57「and we pay them」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「and he pays them」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經3:81 ataytukum(Hafs)相對於古 蘭經3:80 ataynakum(Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(diacritical marks)
古蘭經3:83「you seek」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「they seek」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex … Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經3:83「you are returned」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「they are returned」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經3:104「refraining(different Arabic word)from what is wrong…」相對於「refraining(nahun)from what is wrong, and who seek the aid of Allah in what befalls them…」(Ibn Shanabudh)《群書類述》p.72
古蘭經3:133 wasaari’uu (Hafs)相對於saari’uu (Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(輔音)
古蘭經3:146「a prophet who was killed」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「a prophet who fought」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex .. Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經3:157「you amass」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「they amass」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex … Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經4:14「We make him enter」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「He makes them enter」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經4:168:Abi Hamza reported, on the strength of Abi Ja'far: Gabriel, peace be upon him, revealed this verse after this manner – “Surely the unbelievers, who have done evil (by depriving the house of Muhammad from their right), God will not forgive them, neither guide them on any road but the road to Gehenna, therein dwelling for ever and ever.”【www.answeringislam.org/Quran/Text/distortion.html】
古蘭經5:42【absent】(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「And if they come to you」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經5:42「turn away and」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「turn away from them and」(Mishaf al-Madinah)(www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經5:44「do not fear them」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「And do not fear people」(Mishaf al-Madinah) (www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經5:45「upon the sons of Israel」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「upon them」(Mishaf al-Madinah) (www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經5:49「what Allah inspired」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「what Allah sent down」(Mishaf al-Madinah) (www.QuranText.org)
古蘭經5:54 yartadda(Hafs)相對於古蘭經5:56 yartadid(Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(consonant and vowel)
Surah 5:63 Nineteen alternate readings have been identified, some of which change the actual meaning of the verse. Fourteen changes were caused by changing the vowel combinations. In the remaining 5 cases one or two consonants were added (ibid, by A. Jeffery (ed.), pages 39, 129, 198, 216, 237).
古蘭經5:67「his messages」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「his message」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex … Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經6:160a(6:159a in Yusuf ‘Ali):「…sects, I am not of them in anything;」(in ‘Uthman’s time)相對於「…sects, thou hast No part in them in the least:」al-Tabari vol. 15 p. 181 and footnote 323.
古蘭經8:73「and great (kabir) corruption」相對於「and widespread (‘aird) corruption」(Ibn Shanabudh)《群書類 述》p.71
古蘭經9:30 part was abrogated (and does not appear in the Qur’an today)
古蘭經9:85 is absent in the Sana’a Quran. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanaa_manuscript
古蘭經9:100「gardens under which rivers flow」相對於「gardens from under which rivers flow」(added the Arabic word min.【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Responses/Menj/bravo_r4bc.htm】
古蘭經9:105 Al-Husain Ibn Mubaah reported that a man recited in the presence of Ubayy Ibn Abdillaah “Say: ‘Work; and God will surely see your work, and His Messenger, and the believers.’” (9:105). For which Ubayy answered, “It is not so. it is rather ‘... and the trusted ones,’ which we are.”【www.answeringislam.org/Quran/Text/distortion.html】
古蘭經9:128—129 are two false verses added to the Qur’an, according to the Islamic site www.submission.org.
古蘭經10:45「We gather them」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「He gathers them」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經10:92「And today we deliver you with your body…」相對於「Today we deliver you by making you strong …」(Ibn Shanabudh)《群書類述》p.71
古蘭經11:46 Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3383 p. 1116
古蘭經12:23 due to vowels. Haita (people of Kufah and Basrah) or Hita (people of Medina and Syria). Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3411 p. 1120
古蘭經12:35 atta相對於hatta【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Responses/Menj/bravo_r4bc.htm】
古蘭經12:109「he inspires」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「we inspire」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex .. Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經13:17「you heat」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「they heat」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經15:8「you did not send down」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「they did not send down」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經17:42「you say」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「they say」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經18:76 Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3384 p. 1116
古蘭經18:79「there was behind them a king」相對於「there was in front of them a king」Ibn Shanabudh (The Fihrist p. 71)
古蘭經18:86 Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3385 p. 1116
古蘭經18:86 due to vowels. Hamiya with a long ‘a’ for warm water, or hami’ah meaning musky (murky?) water. Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3408 p. 1120
古蘭經20 verse 31 and 32 were swapped in the Sana’a Quran. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanaa_manuscript
古蘭經21:4,112 qala – He will say(Hafs)相對於qul – Say【Say thou】(Basra)【Abdullah’s Yusuf ‘Ali’s Translation of the Qur’an footnote 2666】
古蘭經21:4「Say!」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「he said」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經22:62「you call」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「they call」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex … Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經23:8 li-amanatihim【long 2nd a】(trust)相對於li-amanatihim【long 2nd and 3rd a】「trusts」【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Responses/Menj/bravo_r4bc.htm】
古蘭經23:112「Qala」- He will say(Hafs and Kufa)相對於「Qul」-Say (Basra)【Abdullah Yusuf ‘Ali’s Translation of the Qur’an footnote 2948.】
古蘭經24:1(missing or an extra “r” faradnaha(and which we have ordained)相對於the majority farradnaha(which we have described in detail)Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3414 p. 1121
古蘭經24:35 Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3387 p. 1116
古蘭經25:77「You have lied」相對於「The unbelievers have lied」(Ibn Shanabudh)《群書類述》p. 71
古蘭經27:25「they hide」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「you hide」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經27 :25「they proclaim」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「you proclaim」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex … Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經28:48 sihraani「two works of magic」(Hafs)相對於古蘭經28:48 saahiraani「two magicians」(Warsh)Answering Islam p. 193)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(母音)
古蘭經28:57「is brought(feminine)」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「is brought(masculine)」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex … Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經33:6「The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers...」Some manuscripts including ‘Ubai bin Ka’b also have「 and he is a father to them...」(A. Yusuf Ali, The Holy Quran, 1975 edition, note 3674).【http://www.isaalmasih.net/bible-isa/history.html】
古蘭經33:68「multitudinous」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「mighty」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經34:14「the jinn perceived if they had known the unseen, they would not have remained in abject(mahin)torment.」相對於「the people (al-ins) perceived that the jinn, if they had known the unseen, would not have remained in a state (hawl) of painful(alim)torment.」(Ibn Shanabudh)《群書類述》p. 71
古蘭經34:23 Variants can exist due to vowels, but here is a case of a consonant. Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3392 p. 1117
古蘭經34:40「we say」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「he says」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經36:68「Do you not understand?」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「Do they not understand?」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經39:59. This form of the 古蘭經quotes with a feminine pronoun for soul, while the well-known readings have a masculine pronoun. Abu Dawud vol. 3:3979 footnote 3393 p. 1117
古蘭經40:58「they remember」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「you remember」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經42:1 Arabic letters「HMAS」相對於「HMSQ」in Ibn Mas’ud’s version.《群書類述》p. 57
古蘭經42:25「they do」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「you do」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經42:30「it is what」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「then it is what」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經43:89「you will know」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「they will know」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經48:17「we punish him」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「he punishes him」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia) (www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經50:30「he says」(Warsh Narration. Approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria)相對於「we say」(Hafs narration. King Fahd Complex ... Saudi Arabia)(www.QuranText.org/qiraat.html)
古蘭經53:19 original turtaia(hoped for)相對於turtada(is accepted with approval)Alfred Guillaume’s translation of Ibn Ishaq’s The Life of Mohammed p. 166.(This is sort of a variant upon a variant).
古蘭 經62:9「hasten」相對於「pass on」Ibn Shanabudh (The Fihrist p. 71)
古蘭經63:7「In order that they may disperse from around him」(Sana’a Codex 1)相對於「in order that they may disperse」(標準古蘭經)(https://bible-quran.com/quran-manuscripts-copyist-errors/#easy-footnote-bottom-8-12991)
古蘭經65:1 of Ibn ‘Abbas Abu Dawud vol. 2:2192 footnote 1520 p. 591-592
古蘭經74:30「tisa’ata ‘ashara」(19 angels)相對於「sab’ata ‘ashara」(17 angels)(Ibn Hisham, Kitab Seerat Rasooli Llah ed. Ferdinand Wuestenfeld, Goettingen 1860 reprint Frankfurt/Main 1961, II, 67, 4-16)
古蘭經89:25—26 Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3408 p. 1119
古蘭經89:86 Abu Dawud vol. 3 footnote 3399 p. 1118
古蘭經91:15 wa-laa-yakhaafu(Hafs)相對於fa-laa-yakhaafu(Warsh)【http://www.Answeringislam.org/Green/seven.htm】(輔音)
古蘭經92:1「bright, and what created the male and female.」相對於「bright, and the male and the female.」(Ibn Shanabudh)《群書類述》p. 71
古蘭經98 once listed seventy persons from Kuraish, by their names and their fathers' names. It was also as long as 古蘭經2.【www.answeringislam.org/Quran/Text/distortion.html】
古蘭經101:5「ka-l-‘ihni-l-manfush」相對於「ka-s-sufi-l-manfush」(both words mean like carded wool)(Ibn Shanabudh)【The Fihrist p. 71;http://www.Answeringislam.org/Responses/Menj/bravo_r4bc.htm】
古蘭經 103(all):「By the time, verily man is in loss, except such as have faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual enjoining of truth, and of patience and constancy.」相對於「And the afternoon. We have created man for loss in which he will remain until the end of time, except for those who believe, enjoining one another to piety and committing each other to endurance.」(Ibn Mas’ud)《群書類述》p. 57
古蘭經111:2「he will perish」相對於「they have perished.」(Ibn Shanabudh)《群書類述》p. 71
古蘭經113 — Absent in Ibn Mas’ud’s version(The Fihrist p.57). Ibn Mas’ud was a personal secretary of Mohammed’s. Mohammed told other people to learn the Qur’an from Ibn Mas’ud and three others.(Bukhari vol.6 book 61 ch. 8 no. 521 p. 486-487)
古蘭經114 — Absent in Ibn Mas’ud’ version(The Fihrist p.57). Ibn Mas’ud was a personal secretary of Mohammed’s. Mohammed told other people to learn the Qur’an from Ibn Mas’ud and three others.(Bukhari vol. 6 no. 521). The omission of Suras 113 and 114 was not accidental. It is reported that Ibn Mas’ud said, “The two charm-Suras【113, 114】 are not of the Book of God!”【www.answeringislam.org/Quran/Text/distortion.html】 「It is said that he【Ibn Shanabudh】 confessed all of this【variation】. Then he was moved to repentance and used his handwriting in contrition, so that he wrote :‘Thus saith Muhammed ibn Ahmad ibn Ayyub【Ibn Shanabudh】:I used to read expressions differing from the version of ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan…” (Since ‘Uthman threatened those who had different versions, this confession likely had an element of coercion in it.)《群書類述》p. 72
我發現,根據聯合聖經會(United Bible Societies)第三版和第四版的《希臘文新約》(The Greek New Testament)(Aland等人),新約中的希臘文單詞總數為13萬7986個。這個數位包括括弧中的存疑文字。它用的是馬可福音的長結尾,而不是短結尾。
我所看到的手抄本差異的總字數為3,920字。這些是通過查閱《希臘文新約》(第三版和第四版修訂版);梅茨格的《新約聖經文本注釋》(A Textual Commentary on the New Testament);巴里(Barry);以及新美國標準版聖經(NASB)、新國標版聖經(NIV)、新英王欽定版聖經(NKJV)和新修訂標準版聖經(NRSV)的註腳確定的。
其他地方 | 地方 | 單詞 |
各種各樣 | 27 | 89 |
p75(=Bodmer 14/15) | 4 | 4 |
西奈抄本 | 2 | 3 |
西奈抄本第二修正版 | 1 | 4 |
西奈抄本,亞歷山大派 | 1 | 1(1個字母拼寫差異) |
伯撒抄本(Bezae Cantabrigiensis),有時有些意大利語 | 15 | 116 |
伯撒抄本+希地語(Sahidic)科普特語(Coptic) | 1 | 5 |
梵蒂岡本 | 2 | 5 |
伯撒抄本意大利語,中世紀埃及科普特語 | 1 | 44 |
伯撒抄本,普里西安(Priscillian) | 1 | 2 |
希地語科普特語 | 1 | 15 |
伯撒抄本,敘利亞語 | 1 | ? |
敘利亞語 | 1 | 2 |
厄弗瑞抄本(Ephraemi Rescriptus) | 1 | 1 |
p15(第三世紀) | 1 | 1 |
p72,格魯吉亞語 | 1 | 1 |
伯撒抄本+亞歷山大抄本 | 1 | 1 |
亞歷山大抄本 | 2 | 2 |
斯拉夫語(Slavonic),亞美尼亞語(Armenian),革利免的武加大譯本(拉丁文)(Clementine Vulgate) | 1 | 4 |
修正版亞歷山大抄本,中世紀埃及科普特語 | 1 | 7 |
腓立比書1:16和17的次序 | 1 | |
特土良和F(第九世紀) | 1 | 2 |
伯撒抄本,一些敘利亞語,意大利語 | 1 | 2 |
伯撒抄本,意大利語,一些敘利亞語中世紀埃及科普特語 | 1 | 23 |
伯撒抄本,亞塔那修 | 1 | 1 |
伯撒抄本敘利亞語 | 4 | 56 |
伯撒抄本意大利語,敘利亞語 | 1 | 2 |
伯撒抄本敘利亞語,p38(公元300) | 1 | 21 |
意大利語,中世紀埃及科普特語 | 1 | 1 |
衣索比亞語 | 1 | 2 |
總計 | 76 | 389 |
Aland, Kurt, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren. The Greek New Testament 2nd edition. United Bible Societies, 1966, 1968.
Aland, Kurt, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren. The Greek New Testament 3rd edition. United Bible Societies, 1975.
Aland, Kurt, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren. The Greek New Testament revised 4th revised edition. United Bible Societies. According to A Textual Commentary of the New Testament Second edition, the fourth edition of Aland et al. is different from the 3rd edition in that it took out 284 variations, added 273, for a total of 1438 variations. 1993.
Aland, Kurt, Matthew Black, Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, and Bruce M. Metzger. The Greek New Testament revised 5th revised edition. United Bible Societies. 2014.
Aland, Barbara and Kurt, Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece. 27th edition. Published by Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 1979.
Aland, Barbara and Kurt, Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece. 28th edition. Published by Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 2012.
Aland, Kurt, and Barbara Aland. The Text of the New Testament. Eerdmans’, 1989.
Ankerberg, John and John Weldon. Knowing the Truth about the Reliability of the Bible. Harvest House Publishers, 1997.
Austin, Bill R. Austin’s Topical History of Christianity. Tyndale House Publishers, inc. 1983, 1987.
Barker, Kenneth L. The NIV: The Making of a Contemporary Translation. Zondervan, 1986. A recommended reference on why they made the choices they made on the NIV.
Barrett, C.J. editor. The New Testament Background. Harper San Francisco. 1987,1995.
Bercot, David W. (editor) A Dictionary of Early Christian Beliefs. Hendrickson Publishers 1998.
Berry, George Ricker. Interlinear Greek-English New Testament. 1897. Baker Books reprinted 1997.
Campbell, William. The Qur’an and the Bible in the light of history and science second edition. Arab World Ministries. 1986, 2002
Comfort, Philip Wesley. Early Manuscripts & Modern Translations of the New Testament. Wipf and Stock Publishers. 1990. (219 pages)
Comfort, Philip W. and David P. Barrett. The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 1999, 2001. (697 pages)
Comfort, Philip W. and David P. Barrett. The Complete Text of the Earliest New Testament Manuscripts. Baker Books, 1999. (CBD WW52652)
Elliot, Keith and Ian Moir. Manuscripts and the Text of the New Testament: An Introduction for English Readers. T & T Clark. 1995.
Erhman, Bart D.. Jesus, Interrupted. Harper One 2009.
Ehrman, Bart D.. The Orthodox Corruption of Scripture. Oxford University Press 1991.
Green, J.P. (senior editor) The Interlinear Bible: Hebrew, Greek, English. Hendrickson Publishers. 1976.
Hodges, Zane C. and Arthur L. Farstad. The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text 2nd edition. Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1985.
Kelly, J.N.D. Early Christian Doctrines. Revised Edition. Harper & Row Publishers. 1960, 1965, 1968, 1978.
Kohlenberger, III, John R. The Interlinear NIV Hebrew-English Old Testament. Zondervan Publishing House 1979-1987.
Malaty, Fr. Tadros U. The School of Alexandria Book One Before Origen. Pope Shenouda III Coptic Theological College, Sydney, Australia. 1995.
Masood, Steven. The Bible and the Qur’an: A Question of Integrity. Authentic Media 2001.
Metzger, Bruce Manning. The Text of the New Testament. Oxford University Press. 1968. (274 pages)
Metzger, Bruce M. Manuscripts of the Greek Bible. Oxford University Press, 1981.
Metzger, Bruce. A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament 2nd edition. United Bible Societies, 1971.
Metzger, Bruce M. 1992. The Text of the New Testament: Its Transmission, Corruption, and Restoration.(http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0195072979/freeratidiscb-20)Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Nelson Study Bible – NKJV Version. Thomas Nelson Publishers. 1997.
New American Standard Bible. Foundation Press, 1960-1973.
New Geneva Study Bible, The. (New King James Version) Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1982 for the Bible, 1995 for the Study Bible.
New International Version Bible, The. Zondervan, 1985.
New Revised Standard Version Bible
Nicoll, W. Robertson. (editor) The Expositor’s Greek Testament. Wm. B. Eerdmans’ Publishing Company, reprinted 1990.
O’Meara, John J. Origen: Prayer: Exhortation to Martyrdom. Newman Press 1954. 196 pages.
http://debate.org.uk/topics/history A recommended site for information on Bible manuscripts.
Petty, Robert A. Adamantius: Dialogue on the True Faith in God. Peeters 1997.
Richardson, Cyril C. (editor) Early Christian Fathers. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1970. (This does not have the great footnotes of Roberts and Donaldson, but is in very readable modern US English.)
Roberts, Alexander and James Donaldson. Ante-Nicene Fathers. volumes 1-10 Hendrickson Publishers, 1994.
http://www.ccel.org Christian classics Ethereal Library is a wonderful resource for most of their writings online. It has the Pre-Nicene Fathers as well as Nicene Fathers on-line.
Roberts, Alexander and James Donaldson. Ante-Nicene Fathers. volumes 1-10 Hendrickson Publishers, 1994.
Schaff, Philip and Henry Wace. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers volume 14 the Seven Ecumenical Councils Second Series first printing 1994. Translated by Henry R. Percival.
Schaff, Philip. And Henry Wace. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian church. Volume 4, St. Athanasius: Selected Works and Letters. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publisher Company. Reprinted 1998.
Schaff, Philip (editor) revised by David S. Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom. Volumes 1, 2, and 3. Harper & Row, 1931.
Stewart-Sykes, Alistair. Melito of Sardis On Pascha. St. Vladimir’s Press 2001.
Wegner, Paul D. The Journey from Texts to Translations. Baker Academic, 1999. (432 pages)
www.biblequery.org/[bookname]%20Manuscripts.html 將【bookname】替換為書名。
Al-Bukhari Sahih Al-Bukhari. (translated by Muhammad Muhsin Khan published by al Maktabat Al Salafiat Al Madinato Al Monawart. (no date) (9 volumes)
Ali, Maulawi Shr. The Holy Qur’an: Arabic Text and English Translation. Islam International Publications Limited. 1997 (This is published under the auspices of the Ahmadiyya Muslims)
Ansari, Muhammad Tufail (translator) Sunan Ibn-i-Majah. Kazi Publications. Lahore, Pakistan. 1993. (five volumes)
Arbury, A.J. The Koran Interpreted. Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1955. (Yusuf Ali’s translation is apparently more accurate than this one.)
Campbell, William. The Qur’an and the Bible in the light of history and science second edition. Arab World Ministries. 1986, 2002
Dashti, Ali. Twenty Three Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Mohammed. George Allen & Unwin, 1985. (Ali Dashti apparently disappeared in Iran after Khomeini came to power.)
Dodge, Bayard (translator) The Fihrist. by arrangement with Columbia University Press 1970. 1998 reprint. Distributed by KAZI Publications, Chicago, Illinois.
Ebrahim, Muhammad Bin Abdur Rahman (translator) Shamaa-il Tirmidhi. Adam Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. (no date)
Hasan, Prof. Ahmad (translator) Sunan Abu Dawud: English Translation with Explanatory Notes. Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers and Booksellers. Lahore, Pakistan. 1984, reprinted 1996. (three volumes)
The History of al-Tabari. Ihsan Abbas et al. editorial board. SUNY Press.
Holy, QUR-AN, The. (Arabic and English) Revised and edited by the Presidency of Islamic Researches, IFTA, Call and Guidance. King Fahd Holy Qur-an Printing Complex. (The English translation was by Abdullah Yusuf Ali) 1410 A.H.(no date)
Ibn Warraq (editor), The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islam’s Holy Book. Prometheus Books 1998.
Jeffery, Arthur (editor). Materials for the History of the Text of the Qur’an. Brill, Leiden 1937
Lester, Toby. Atlantic Monthly January 1999 p.43-56
Lippman, Thomas W. Understanding Islam : An Introduction to the Moslem World. Mentor Books, 1982.
Malik, Mohammad Faroog-I-Azam. English Translation of the Meaning of AL-QUR'AN: The Guidance for Mankind. The Institute of Islamic knowledge 1997.
Masood, Steven. The Bible and the Qur’an: A Question of Integrity. Authentic Media 2001.
Muslim, Imam. (rendered into English by ‘Abdul Hamid Siddiqi) Sahih Muslim. International Islamic publishing House. (no date) (4 volumes)
Rahimuddin, Muhammad (translator) Muwatta’ Imam Malik. Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers and Booksellers. Lahore, Pakistan.(no date) reprinted 1991.
Siddiqi, Muhammad Iqbal (translator) Sunan Nasa’i. Kazi Publications. Lahore, Pakistan. 1994 (2 volumes)
Yahya Bin Sharaf An-Nawawi, Imam Abu Zakariya (compiler), S.M. Madni Abbasi (translator) Riyadh-Us-Saleheen. International Islamic Publishing House. (no date) (2 volumes)
The Sana’a Qur’an https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanaa_manuscript
作者:史蒂文·莫里森(Steven M. Morrison)博士
這篇文章翻譯自Steven M. Morrison的在線文章「Comparing the Reliability of the New Testament and the Qur’an」