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如果要從以下作者名單中選出四位,我會推薦杜安·米勒(Duane Miller)、馬克·杜里(Mark Durie)、唐·利特爾(Don Little)和已故的撒母耳·施洛夫(Samuel Schlorff)。米勒在中東有廣泛的經驗,現在在西班牙發展教會的背景下與前穆斯林一起工作;杜里在印尼正式研究亞齊人,出版了大量著作,並在澳大利亞對前穆斯林伊朗人進行門徒訓練時學到了很多東西;利特爾和施勒夫則在北非工作和事奉。尤其是米勒、杜里和施洛夫,他們都是/曾經是「教會人士」,擁有堅實的教會理論和良好的門徒訓練願望。國際視野(Horizons International)/聖經宣教學(Biblical Missiology)提供的材料非常可靠,一位從伊斯蘭皈依基督的人剛剛在油管上發起了一項名為「Wasla」或「連接(connections)」的新倡議,旨在相互鼓勵。[見以下鏈接]

[凡是給出鏈接的地方,在撰寫本文時均可線上獲取相關資料。本文作者還獲准提供《聖法蘭西斯雜誌》(St. Francis Magazine)的資料,可應要求提供。]



編譯:約翰·斯潘(John Span)博士

南非魯斯滕堡(Rustenburg)穆汗約神學院(Mukhanyo Theological College)高級講師


‘A.H.’ “Discipleship of Muslim Background Believers through Chronological Bible Storying.” Ministry to Muslim Women: Longing to Call Them Sisters, Fran Love and Jeleta Eckheart eds., 146–173. Pasadena: William Carey Library, 2000. This is one of five articles on the discipleship of xM women In the above collection. Other articles include: “What Helps Muslim women grow in Christ” by Iliam, pp. 138–145; “Building Community in a Muslim Background believer Church: A Case Study among Uighur Women” by Anne Jan Jansen, pp. 191–198.

Ahmad, O. The Church for Muslims: New Faith Community for Converts from Islam. D. Min. thesis, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2022.

Ajaj, Azar. “Baptism and the Muslim convert to Christianity.” St Francis Magazine 6, no. 4 (2010): 595–611.

Allen, Joel Morris III. “Soteriological Adoption for Muslim Evangelism: Engaging Muslims with the Trinitarian Love of God.” PhD. Diss., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2019.

Al-Masih, Abd. “Who is Allah in Islam.” Villach: Light of Life, (undated), 1999.

Angeles, Jay, and Danyal Qalb. “Deterring Syncretism: The Use of Orality to Close the Gap between Formal and Folk Religion.” Journal of Asian Mission 23, no. 2 (2022): 39–63.

Barrineau, Richard Bryan. Technology-Mediated Ministry and Its Implications for Local Church Discipleship: A Mixed Methods Study. Doctor of Education, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2022.

Bearup, Colin. “Reflections on disciple-making.” Unpublished document, 2006.

Bennett, Matthew. “Concerning ecclesiology: Four barriers preventing insider movement contextualization from producing biblical churches.” Missiology 48, no. 4 (2020): 392–409.

Berhe, Anwar Mehammed. “Conversion from Islam to Christianity among the Arsi Oromo: Missiological implications for Christian witness.” MA thesis, Africa International University, 2013.

Bhajjan, Sam V. “Identifying Barriers in the Church's Reception of Muslim Converts.” Bulletin of Christian Institutes of Islamic Studies 5 (July-December 1982): 92–101.

Biblical Missiology website: Multiple articles notably, “Inside the World of Christians from Muslim Backgrounds” a four-part series by Dr. Fred Farrokh. Part 1: the-world-of-christians-from-muslim-backgrounds-part-i-tear-down-my-fathers altar-encouragement-to-overcome-fear-and-family-disapproval/

Birik, Mahad Hillow. “The Challenges Facing Somali Muslim Background Believers and their Role in Fostering Christian–Muslim Relations in Eastleigh Nairobi County.” PhD diss., St. Paul's University, 2018.

Brittenden, Patrick. “Towards an appropriate pedagogy for the development of the Muslim-background Church of Algeria.” PhD diss., University of Oxford, 2018.

Brogden, R.F. “Abiding mission: missionary spirituality and disciple making among the Muslim peoples of Egypt and Northern Sudan.” PhD diss., Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Springfield, MO, United States. 2014. Available in print from Wipf & Stock Publishers, Eugene, OR: 2016.

Chang, Man-Young. “Missiological Perspectives on Assurance of Salvation for Evangelism by the Bengali Church.” PhD diss., Fuller School of Intercultural Studies, 2007.

Cheong, John. “The Socio-Religious Identity and Life of The Malay Christians of Malaysia.” PhD diss., Trinity International University, 2012.

Chowdhury, D. A. “The Bengal Church and the Convert.” The Muslim World 29, no. 4 (October 1939): 342–350.

Christensen, Jens. Mission to Islam and Beyond: A Practical Theology of Mission. Blackwood, Australia: New Creation Publications, 2001.

Clark, Douglas F. “Turkish Halk Worship Music: The Muslim-background Believer Churches of Turkey at Worship in the Language of Their Own People.” PhD diss., Assemblies of God Theological Seminary at Evangel University, 2014.

Combes, David. “A Critical Discussion of Influences on the Identity Choices Made by Believers with a Muslim Background in the UK.” St. Francis Magazine 7, no. 5 (Dec 2011): 36–84.

‘C.M.T.’ “Developing Healthy MBB Community: An Analysis of Relationships Between Muslim Background Believers.” D. Min thesis, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2021.

Da’ud, Abu. Discipling Muslim Background Believers. 2019. 5 Part series.

Daniels, Gene, Pam Arlund, and Jim Haney, eds. Fruit to Harvest: Witness of God's Great Work among Muslims. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Publishing, 2019.

das Chagas, Jeferson Firmino. “An Assessment of the Transformation of Contemporary Arab Believers from a Muslim Background through an Arab Christian Defense of the Trinity from Early Islamic Periods.” PhD., diss., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2019.

Dikki, Michael Ezra. “A missiological study of Islamic strategies for converting Christians to Islam and their implications for Christian discipleship: a study of converts in Kawangware and Embul-bul areas of Nairobi-Kenya.” PhD diss., Africa International University, 2013.

Durie, Mark. Liberty to the Captives. Freedom from Islam and Dhimmitude through the Cross. 4th edition, Melbourne: Deror Books, 2022.

______. [Video presentation]

Eckert, Timothy L. “An investigation into the factors that facilitate or hinder the FulBe of Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger in believing in Jesus Christ and/or growing in their Christian faith.” PhD in Intercultural Studies, Trinity International University, 2016.

Edwards, Daniel. “Discipleship And Leadership Among BMBs.” St Francis Magazine 10, no.1 (April 2014): 1–4.

Elbitar, Johnny. “From Conversion to Assimilation: Developing a Missional Ecclesiology to Retain Converted Muslims to Christ in North America.” PhD diss., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2017.

Emetuche, Damian. “The Challenge of Discipling Muslim Background Believer.” Global Missiology 2, no. 7 (January 2010): 1–15.

Eric, Walter. “Daily Food for New Followers of Jesus.”

Evans, Edward. “Discipling and Training for MBB’s: Part 1: A Growing Need.” Saint Francis Magazine 2, no. 3 (September 2007): 1–8.

———. “Discipling and Training for MBB’s: Part 2: Program Design.” Saint Francis Magazine 2, no. 5 (April 2009). Also in Ministry of Reconciliation, John Stringer ed. Groningen, Netherlands: Grassroots Mission Publications, 2009: 159–84.

Farrokh, Fred. “A Spiritual Pilgrimage through the Psalms of Ascent.” 83e7770a8dc3a152.pdf

Ferguson, Ken. Journey to Maturity: Equipping the New Disciple from a Muslim Background to Follow Christ.

Gairdner, W.H. Temple. “The Christian Church as a Home for Christ’s Converts from Islam.” Moslem World 14, no. 3 (July 1924): 235–246.

Gendi, Amal Aziz. “Identifying and Addressing Barriers to the Discipleship of Believers from Muslim Background in the Arabian Peninsula.” PhD diss., Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2015. Online:

Gholibeigi, Sepideh. “An Examination of Pre-Marital Counseling for Iranian Muslim Background Believers.” PhD diss., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2023.

Gilchrist, John. “Caring for the Muslim Convert.” chapter 3 of vol. 2 of Communicating the Gospel to Muslims, originally Jesus to the Muslims, Benoni, South Africa, 1986.

Grandinetti, Marlene R. Reinhold. “Identifying Best Practices for a Missional Approach to Discipleship in the Church Today.” PhD diss., Trinity International University, 2023.

Green, Timothy. “Come Follow Me” [a discipleship study for x-Ms in Christ from I Peter]. Version 5.1. Unpublished document, August 2012. African version available from Life Challenge Africa:

______.“Issues of Identity for Christians of a Muslim Background in Pakistan.” PhD diss., SOAS University of London, 2014.

______. “Identity issues for ex-Muslim Christians, with particular emphasis on marriage.” St Francis Magazine 8, no. 4 (August 2012): 435–81.

______. & ‘Roxi’. Joining the family: Welcoming Christ’s Followers of Muslim Background into His Community. London, UK: Kitab, 2016.

Greenlee, David H. “Christian conversion from Islam: Social, cultural, communication, and supernatural factors in the process of conversion and faithful church participation.” PhD diss., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1996.

______. “Living Out an ‘In Christ’ Identity: Research and Reflections Related to Muslims Who Have Come to Faith in Jesus Christ.” International Journal of Frontier Missiology 30, no. 1 (Spring 2013): 5–12.

Greenlee, David, ed. Longing for Community: Church, Ummah, Or Somewhere in Between? Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2013.

Häde, Wolfgang. “Strengthening the Identity of Converts from Islam in the Face of Verbal Assaults: A Study with the Background of Turkish Society.” Mission Studies 34, no. 3 (2017): 392–408.

Hall, Annette. “Discipling Muslim-Background Believers.” pp. 247–255 in Cynthia A. Strong and Meg Page (eds), A worldview approach to ministry among Muslim women. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2006: Online borrowing:

Hikma Partnership, UK. “To encourage believers from a Muslim background (BMBs) to research about our own stories, issues and perspective as a Christian contribution to our contexts and to the world church…”

Hine, C. “Patronage and Reciprocity: Leveraging aspects of shame and honour in discipling women followers of Jesus from Islam.” When Women Speak 1, no.1 (2017): 1–14. content/uploads/2017/09/DiscipleshipPatronage.pdf

Heinrich, J. C. “‘Shell-Shocked’ Converts.” The Moslem World 18, no. 3 (July 1928): 246–49.

Holliday, G.Y. “On the Support of Converts.” Part. 1 Moslem World 4, no. 3 (July 1914): 246–250; Part II, pp. 251–254 by George F. Ford; Part III, pp. 255–257 by C. Nairn.

Horizons Ministry International. “Cubs to Lions Curriculum” [for discipling x-M believers in Christ] Arabic/English English Multiple YouTube videos:

Hunt, James G. “The Loneliness of the Convert.” The Muslim World 8, no. 2 (April 1918): 158–161.

Ismail, Zafar. “The Muslim Convert and the Church.” International Review of Mission 72 no. 287 (July 1983): 385–92.

Jaballah, Basma Dabbour. “Online Discipling of North African Isolated Christians of Muslim Background.” D. Min., Tyndale University College & Seminary, 2017.

Jah, Lawrence Borbor. Best Practices of Church Planting: A Case Study of ECWA and Other Churches in the West Coast Region of the Gambia. D. Min. thesis, Asbury Theological Seminary, 2018.

Jakada, Yakubu Tanko. “Early Christian Responses to Persecution and Their Implications for Christians in Northern Nigeria.” PhD. Diss., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2020.

Jester, Jerry Stephen. “Empowered belonging through identity transformation: Assemblies of God church planting narratives from West Africa since 1990.” PhD diss., Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, 2014.

Kazura, Bagaramba Jules. “Conversion from Islam to Christianity in Senegal: missiological implications for church planting.” PhD diss., North-West University (South-Africa), 2022.

Kim, Enoch J. “Receptor-oriented communication for Hui Muslims in China: With special reference to church planting.” PhD diss., Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies, 2009.

Kim, Eui-Jung. “Study of Factors Contributing to the Growth of the Gajung House Churches in Indonesia.” PhD diss., Biola University, 2023.

Kim, Sam. “Barriers for Believers in Christ from Muslim Backgrounds: A Case from North America.” Transformation 40, no. 2 (2023): 169–178. Also see her “Identity crisis of Jordanian BMB (believer from Muslim background) women at the beginning phase of new faith.” PhD diss., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2013.

Kivuva, Jacob M. “The effectiveness of discipleship methods used by the Life Challenges Africa for discipling of MBBS: its implication to mission.” Master’s in Arts in Mission, Nairobi Graduate School, 2008.

Korosi, Peter Dogo. “Muslim Evangelism in Kano state of Nigeria: A case study of ECWA Churches.” D. Min thesis, Ashbury Seminary, 2007. See pp. 88–97 for a section of discipleship of converts to Christ.

Kraft, Kathryn Ann. 2007. “Community and identity among Arabs of a Muslim background who choose to follow a Christian faith.” PhD diss., University of Bristol, 2007.

______. “Faith is Lived out in Community: Questions of New Community for Arab Muslims who have embraced a Christian Faith.” St. Francis Magazine 6, no. 6 (2010): 954–982.

Laban, David. “Sundanese Jesus-Followers Practicing Their Newfound Faith within a Sundanese Muslim Context.” Doctor of Intercultural Studies, Biola University, 2022.

Leonard, John Sterling. “Oasis: An ethnography of a Muslim convert group in France.” PhD diss., Trinity International University, 2006.

Lewis, Christopher. “Looking for Home: Muslim-Background Believers in the U.S. Struggle to Find Christian Community.” Christianity Today 52, no. 9 (2008): 68–73.

Life Challenge Africa. For example: “Welcome Home: Caring for Converts from a Muslim Background.”

Little, Don. Effective Discipling in Muslim Communities. Downers Grove, IL: IVP 2015. This is a reworking of his thesis: Little, Donald Bruce. “Effective insider discipling: Helping Arab world believers from Muslim backgrounds persevere and thrive in community.” D. Min. thesis, Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, 2009.

______. “The Living Pyramid of Relational Communal Discipling of BMBs.”

Livingstone, Greg. Planting churches in Muslim cities: A team approach. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 1993.

McVey, Dan. “Hindrances to Evangelistic Growth among Muslim Background Believer Churches of the ‘Jijimba’ People of West Africa,” pp. 199–214. In From the Straight Path to the Narrow Way, ed. David Greenlee. Waynesboro: Authentic, 2006.

Malaty, Mounir Sobhy Yacoub. “The Impact of Egyptian Folk Religion on Gospel Transformation: A Socio-Religious Study of the Mulids (Saints’ Festivals).” PhD diss., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2022.

Malik, Saira. Conversion and Identity: the Pastoral Care and Discipleship of Converts in the Context of the UK. UK: Regnum Books, 2022.

Miller D, Johnstone, P. “Believers in Christ from a Muslim background: a global census.” Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 11(2015): 1–19.

Miller, Duane Alexander. I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name: Pastoral Care for Christ's Converts from Islam. Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2021.

______. christians-from-a-muslim-background-mature-in-their-faith/

______.with Mark Durie: “Discipleship, Pastoral Care and Christ’s Converts from Islam” (2 part videos on You Tube) background-mark-durie-and duane-miller-in-conversation/

Moon, Luke S. “Cases of Comprehensive Disciple-Making (Discipling) in the Workplace of CAR Muslim Context.” St. Francis Magazine 10, no. 1 (April 2014): 10–16.

Musk, Bill and Duane Miller, “Anglican Contributions to the Church’s Mission to/among Muslims.” Anglican Compass. (June 2021):1–18. among-muslims/

Nehemiah, Joseph. “A Contextual and Cultural Adult Education Model for Leadership Development in the Arab Middle East.” D. Min major project, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2019.

Nelson, Jeff. “Going Public with Faith in a Muslim Context: Lessons from Esther.” International Journal of Frontier Missiology 28 no.4 (Winter 2011) 191–194.

Oksnevad, Roy. “BMB discipleship: An investigation into the factors leading to disharmony within the Iranian churches in the diaspora.” St Francis Magazine 8, no. 4 (2012): 397–434. Online:

______. The Burden of Baggage: First-generation Issues in Coming to Christ. William Carey Publishing, 2019.

Osindo, Oscar. “Discipling Muslim Insiders: A Working Framework.” Journal of Adventist Mission Studies 12, no. 2 (2016): 220–241. Online:

Parshall, Phil. “Contextualized Baptism for Muslim Converts.” Missiology: An International Review 7 (October 1979): 501–15.

Phillips, H. E. “Should Moslem Converts Unite with the Church?.” The Muslim World 26, no. 2 (April 1936): 119–126.

Pietzsch, H. Welcome Home: Caring for converts from Islam. Nairobi, Kenya: Life Challenge Africa, 2004. An abbreviated form of this material is found in Gerhard Nels and Eric Walter. Practical-Tactical Approach. Nairobi: Life Challenge Africa, 2009, Section 8.6, 162–167.

Pursley, James J. “Reformed Presuppositional Apologetics: A Biblical, Theological, Historical, and Practical Model of Discipleship With Believers from a Muslim Background.” PhD diss., Columbia International University, 2019.

Ravelo-Hoërson, Nicole. “The Persecution by Their Muslim Husbands of Female Converts in Cape Town: A Case for Mission-shaped Churches and a Missiology of Suffering.” Mission Studies 34, no. 3 (2017): 369–391. ATLA Database

Reaching Muslims: Resources available include Fred Farrokh, Prepare for Persecution: Lessons from Acts; Journey to Maturity Equipping the New Disciple from a Muslim Background to Follow Christ.

Register, Ray. “Discipling Middle Eastern believers.” St. Francis Magazine 5, no. 2 (2009): 1–15. Reprinted and expanded in a book-length treatment: Discipling Middle Eastern Believers. Escondido, CA: Global Educational Advance, 2009.

Saghaey, Kambiz. “Assessing Spiritual Growth and Theological Knowledge Among Persian-Speaking Muslim Background Believers in the Online Introduction to Christian Theology Course at Mojdeh Ministry.” PhD diss., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2023.

Saïdi, Farida. A Study of Leadership Styles in the North African Church. PhD diss., Fuller Theological Seminary, 2011. Published by Langham Monographs, 2013.

Sarang, Kim. “The importance of a beginning stage of discipling MBBs.” St. Francis Magazine 10, no. 1 (2014): 5–9.

Schlorff, Samuel P., ed. Discipleship in Islamic society. Marseille, France: Ecole Radio Biblique, 1981. Online: p/discipleship-in-islamic-society_schlorff.pdf

Scott, Karen. “The “Disconnect” in the Discipleship of South Asian Women: Socio Religious Barriers Among-Muslim Background Believers.” In Longing for Community: Church, Ummah, Or Somewhere in Between?, Edited by David Greenlee, pp. 181–192, Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2013.

Shaw, Perry WH. “Congregational leadership for growing Arab churches: A critical contextual and systemic study of Middle Eastern Arab Protestant churches.” PhD diss., Asia Graduate School of Theology Alliance, 2012. Dissertation.pdf

Sianturi, Julia. “Understanding the Journeys of Five Indonesian Muslim Background Believers Who Return to Islam.” PhD diss., Biola University, 2020.

Smith, Phillip. “Discipleship of Muslim background believers in the context of persecution: A study in North Africa.” D. Min thesis, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2019.

Strähler, Reinhold. “Conversions from Islam to Christianity in the Sudan.” Master of Theology in Miss. diss., University of South Africa, 2005.

Stricker, Barry, and Nik (pseud) Ripken. “Muslim background believers and baptism in cultures of persecution and violence,” pp. 155–73. In Missions in contexts of violence, ed. Keith E. Eitel, Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2007.

Tanifum, Fuhbang Emmanuel. “Toward a Model of Making Disciples of Jesus among Muslims: Case of the MBororo Muslims of North Wet Region of Cameroon.” PhD in Intercultural Studies, Cameroon Faculty of Evangelical Theology, 2019. Dissertation.pdf

Tey, Scott K. “A Mother-Daughter Church Multiplication Model in Bangladesh: A Singapore Missional Church Partnership.” PhD diss., Biola University, 2021.

Totire, Alan. “Immigrant believers from Muslim backgrounds and factors that facilitate a positive Christian identity.” Missiology 49, no. 3 (2021): 289–299.

______. “An investigation into identity theory as experienced by Muslim background believers.” PhD diss., Trinity International University, USA, 2015.

Venema, Cornelis P., and Glemar B. Melo. “Chosen out of the World”: Converts from Islam must Forsake Islam and Unite with a Local Congregation of Christ.” For Doctrine of the Church (DS 313) at Mid-America Reformed Seminary, 2016.

Walsh, Thomas J. “Voices from Christians in Britain with a Muslim Background: Stories for the British Church on Evangelism, Conversion, Integration and Discipleship.” MA thesis, Birmingham Christian College, 2005. thesis-Voices-in-Britain.pdf

Warren, Thos J. P. “The Problem of the Convert from Islam.” Moslem World 8, no. 2 (April 1918): 149–57.

‘Wasla.’ A YouTube Channel for connecting and encouraging x-Ms in Christ.

---“The Battle Between Fear and Love for MBBs.”

---“Facing Family Pressure for Christ's Converts from Islam: Part 1”

Whittaker, Sue. “A Turkish Musical Insider Case Study: Liturgy, Self-Identity and Spiritual Formation.” Doctor of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies, 2019.

Wilson, Harry K. III. “The stigma of baptism in the evangelization of Muslims: An Historical and Critical Evaluation.” PhD diss., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1995.

Wilson, J. Christy. “Moslem Converts.” Muslim World 34, no. 3 (July 1944): 171–84.

Woodberry, J. Dudley, ed. From Seed to Fruit: Global Trends, Fruitful Practices, and Emerging Issues among Muslims. 2nd revised and enlarged edition. Pasadena, CA: William Carey Library, 2011. A collection of articles including: · John Becker and Eric Simuyu. “The Watering of Discipling.” pp. 103-113.

Yoon, Sarah. Identity crisis: standing between two identities of women believers from Muslim backgrounds in Jordan. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2015.

Young, Craig Lewis. Third-Culture Leadership Emergence of Believers of Muslim Background in Marseille, France. Doctor of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies, 2019.




Brown, Dan. “Is Planting Churches in the Muslim World ‘Mission Impossible’?” in Envisioning Effective Ministry: Evangelism in a Muslim Context, edited by Laurie Fortunak Nichols and Gary R. Corwin, Wheaton, IL: Evangelism and Missions Information Service, 2010, pp. 248–52.

Conn, Harvie. “The Muslim Convert and His Culture,” pp. 97–113 In The Gospel and Islam: A Compendium, edited by Don McCurry. Monrovia, CA: MARC, 1979.

Daniels, Gene. “Fruitful Practices in Sub-Saharan Muslim Africa: Some Recent Research Findings.” International Journal of Frontier Missiology 32, no. 1 (2015): 37–42.

Ghiz, Michael Joseph. “Towards a Biblical Theology of Mission to Arabic Speaking Muslims: Lessons from the Evangelical Churches’ Work with Syrian Muslim Refugees 2011–2014.” D. Min. diss., Acadia Divinity College, 2017.

Hibbert, Richard Y. “Stagnation and decline following rapid growth in Turkish-speaking Roma churches in Bulgaria.” PhD diss., Trinity International University, 2008.

______. “Why do they leave? An ethnographic investigation of defection from Turkish speaking Roma churches in Bulgaria.” Missiology 41, no. 3 (2013): 315–328.

Kim, Jin Young. “Meaning of Ruh Allah in Islam and Characteristics of Sufism for Spiritual Formation of Muslim Background Believers.” Muslim-Christian Encounter 16, no. 1 (2023): 93–130.

Kim, Jong Kuk. “Mission strategy for the Javanese church of tomorrow in the province of Yogyakarta.” PhD diss., School of Intercultural Studies, Biola University, 2004.

McCurry, Don M. “Cross-cultural models for Muslim evangelism.” Missiology 4, no. 3 (1976): 267–283.

Nichols, Laurie Fortunak & Gary R. Corwin, eds., Envisioning effective ministry: evangelism in a Muslim context EMQ Monograph 2. Wheaton, IL: EMIS, 2010.

Porter, G. F. “Church Planting Practices among Muslim and Druze Communities in the Near East: A Conversation about Mission in the Light of the Early Church.” PhD diss., Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018.


這篇文章翻譯自Dr. John Span的在線文章「Select Resource List for Discipling x-Ms in Christ (February 2024)」

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