六月份祈禱的要點 II
Date Palms, Part 3 Biblical Significance Dates and palms hold religious significance as well, especially for Muslims. They are mentioned in the Quran 21 times, and in the Hadith 300 times. Muhammed instructed his followers to break their fasting with dates, and to eat 7 dates a day to keep away poison and witchcraft. Muslims believe that Mary ate dates while giving birth to Jesus. In the Bible, palm trees represent praise, victory and salvation,. They were used as symbols in the Temple decor. Jesus was welcomed as King into Jerusalem with palm branches, and the great multitude before the Lamb's throne in Revelation 7 carry palm branches as well. Declare This: On the next day, the large crowd that had come up for the festival heard that Jesus had come to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet Him. ‘Hosanna!’ they shouted. ‘Welcome in the name of the Lord! Welcome to Israel’s king!’ (John 12:12-13 NTE)
Worship with us!: Hosanna in the Highest by Vineyard Worship. May Omanis welcome You, King Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Hayy as-Sarah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 4,604 Falaj al-Hadith, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 3,208 Al-Ghashub, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 2,971 Al-Hawqayn, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 2,853 Jamma, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 2,769 Al-Hazm, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 2,548 | 椰棗樹,第3部分
l 我們宣告,許多阿曼人民將獲得救恩-和散那! l 我們宣佈,祂的代表,那些以祂的名前來的人,在阿曼受到歡迎! l 我們宣告,君王耶穌將受到阿曼每座城市的歡迎!歡迎! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《和散那歸於至高神》(https://youtu.be/SKHwBamBSPk),葡萄園敬拜團。願阿曼人歡迎你,君王耶穌! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
哈伊薩拉,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:4,604 法拉吉哈迪斯,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:3,208 加舒布,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:2,971 哈瓦卡因,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:2,853 賈瑪,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:2,769 哈茲姆,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:2,548 |
As-Sunaynah A Touch of Paradise As-Sunaynah (Arabic: ٱلسُّنَيْنَة, pop. 677) is a small town and seat of the As-Sunaynah district (pop. 1,471) in the Al-Buraimi Region. The village has been described as "remote, even by Omani standards" and primarily populated by the Al Nuaimi tribe. Oil was discovered in the area in the 1980s, and today there is a large dairy farm, processing plant, and bio-gas factory. According to local history, the town is named after Sana, a woman who planted large numbers of hanging gardens and greenery. Because of this, the area used to be known as ‘Ginainat’, i.e., paradise. The area is also famous for its beautiful sand dunes, as well as its Bedouin heritage and activities such as camel racing. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God.’ (Revelation 2:7) We bless the people of As-Sunaynah to eat of the tree of life, in God’s Paradise! Pray for the Town and District of As-Sunaynah:
Worship with us!: Paradise by Citipointe Worship. May many Omanis be with You in Paradise, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Falaj al-Ali, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 2,371 Falaj ash-Shurah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 2,059 Yiqa, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,964 Wibil, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,832 Al-Misfah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,813 Fasah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,525 | 蘇納亞納
l 神的榮耀。神將在蘇納亞納得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5) l 神國的擴展。蘇納亞納的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16) l 心靈與頭腦。在蘇納亞納人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45) l 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過蘇納亞納的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4) l 復興。願任何生活在蘇納亞納的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10) l 供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給蘇納亞納所有有需要的人。祂要顯示祂永遠的慈愛,顯明祂國度的賜福,使祂的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《樂園》(https://youtu.be/5yN2PcQiO4A),Citipointe Worship。願眾多阿曼人與你一起在樂園,耶穌! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
法拉吉阿里,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:2,371 法拉吉舒拉,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:2,059 伊卡,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,964 威比爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,832 米斯法赫,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,813 法薩赫,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,525 |
Education, Part 1 A Treasured Resource Education in Oman prior to the days of Sultan Qaboos bin Said was primarily Qur’an schools throughout the country, where instruction took place in traditional “da’irahs” or “learning circles.” In 1896, a group of believers founded a school in Muscat for freed slave boys, which was also attended by a few members of the royal family and later developed into a well-respected private school. When Sultan Qaboos took the throne in 1970, there were three formal schools in the country, enrolling approximately 900 students. Within five years, the nation under Sultan Qaboos had enrolled nearly 56,000 students in 207 schools. Most of the teachers in these schools came to Oman from countries such as Egypt and Tunisia. These nations are still represented in today’s teachers in the Omani school system. In the 1970s, it was normal for kids to stop schooling around fourth grade, especially girls. But as of 2017, over half a million students were studying in Oman’s K-12 schools, and education is now compulsory. Qaboos also implemented widespread programs to address adult illiteracy. The efforts paid off, and as of 2018, the adult literacy rate was as high as 96%. Education is valued in Oman, probably because it was so difficult to access before the 70s and 80s. Many children start school at age three or four in private pre-schools around the country. They enter government schools at age six and continue until age 17 or 18. Today, let's pray for the children in the education system. “All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.” (Isaiah 54:13) We bless the children of Oman to be taught by the Lord Himself, and for His peace to be over them! Worship with us!: Show Me Your Ways by Jana Alayra. Show Omanis Your ways, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Ash-Shubaykah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,491 Khafdi, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,286 Sini, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,190 At-Tikhah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,130 Falaj as-Siaydi, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 1,067 Al-Hashah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 995 | 教育,第1部分
我們祝福阿曼的孩子們得到主親自的教導,並願祂的平安降臨到他們頭上! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《向我展示你的道路》(https://youtu.be/7bCIoxL_9Zw),Jana Alayra。耶穌,向阿曼人展示你的道路! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
舒巴卡,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,491 卡夫迪,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,286 西尼,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,190 提卡,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,130 法拉吉賽義迪,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:1,067 哈沙,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:995 |
Education, Part 2 Preparing for the Future The exams the Omani students take in grade 12 determine their future educational and job prospects. Each student selects several majors in order of preference, then the government assigns them to one of those majors based on their grades and, presumably, available seats in the majors. The top students in the country are granted scholarships to study abroad in countries as diverse as the UK, the US, Canada, Australia, Poland, and Malta. The next best students receive scholarships to study at Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat. The next tier of students receives scholarships to study in the government technical colleges and colleges of applied sciences. The remaining students, along with students in certain majors offered at private universities, attend private universities. Any student who does not receive grades high enough to receive a scholarship may pay out of pocket to attend any of the private universities, as well. Women especially have seized the opportunity to attend college or university, often turning down marriage proposals until they can graduate and find jobs. Men are also pursuing higher education, though some in recent years, discouraged by poor employment prospects for college grads and wanting a jump start on saving for their “mahars” (“bride prices”), have opted to enter the work force rather than complete college. The majority of students studying abroad are male, for the cultural reason that some girls and their families are not comfortable with travel abroad. But the significant majority of students in the college and university system in Oman are female. Today, let us pray for young adults in higher education. Jesus said to the people who believed in Him, “You are truly My disciples if you remain faithful to My teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31-32) We pray for Omani youth to hear and respond to your teachings, Jesus! We bless them to know the truth, and to be set free by it! Jesus, You are the Truth–may many see and know and follow You! Worship with us!: Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns. May many Omanis choose to listen and believe Your voice of truth, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Daris, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 803 Hajir Bani Umar, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 803 Balad Sayt, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 795 Falaj al-Wusta, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 773 Tawi al-Badu, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 771 | 教育,第2部分
耶穌,我們禱告阿曼青年能聽到並響應你的教導!我們祝福他們了解真理,並因為認識真理而得到自由!耶穌,你就是真理-願許多人看到、認識並跟隨你! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《真理之聲》(https://youtu.be/0CsiBjc0UIA),Casting Crowns。耶穌,願許多阿曼人選擇聆聽並相信你的真理之聲! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
達里斯,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:803 哈吉爾巴尼奧馬爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:803 巴拉德賽伊特,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:795 法拉吉烏斯塔,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:773 塔維巴杜,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:771 |
Education, Part 3 Other Aspects of Education The traditional educational system is overseen by two important bodies, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education. The Ministry of Education oversees public and private schools from KG1-Grade 12. The Ministry of Higher Education oversees college and university education, including study abroad and exchange programs. In addition, the Ministry of Social Development oversees schools for special needs students. Other training programs, such as military, nursing and business training programs, may be under the jurisdictions of their own ministries. Large expat schools (British, American, Indian, and Pakistani, to name a few) using their own nations’ curriculums are also providing valuable education to expats and locals. Military colleges, nursing colleges, and business training programs are giving English and technical instruction. Private institutes and educational services businesses and clubs are providing foreign language (including Omani sign language!) and vocational classes to many adults and students. Expat teachers commonly (but illegally) tutor Omani students in their homes. The churches in Oman are offering Christian education in the form of “Friday Schools,” youth ministries, and Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Bible clubs. Believers from western and eastern nations (e.g., India and the Philippines) are currently working in all of these places. Jesus continued, “It has been written by the prophets, ‘They will all be taught by God himself.’ If you are really listening to the Father and learning directly from Him, you will come to Me. (John 6:45 TPT) Declare This: Jesus – You are True End of all of our learning, and all of our searching for answers. We bless the teachers and students of Oman to listen to the Father and learn directly from Him. We proclaim that many will come to Jesus, because they are being taught by the Father! Worship with us!: The Answer by Jeremy Camp. May many Omanis find their answer in You, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Dhaharat al-Qud, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 761 Hat, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 675 Hayl al-Ghafah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 649 At-Tuwayyah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 635 Al-Mazahit, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 623 At-Tabaqah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 614 | 教育,第3部分
宣告下面的話:耶穌-你是所有的學習的真正終結,以及我們尋求的所有答案的終結。我們祝福阿曼的教師和學生能夠聽從天父的話,並直接向祂學習。我們宣告許多人會來到耶穌面前,因為他們正在接受天父的教導! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《答案》(https://youtu.be/XphG_8j2gM8),傑瑞米·坎普。耶穌,願許多阿曼人都能在你身上找到答案! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
達哈拉特庫德,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:761 哈特,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:675 哈伊勒加法赫,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:649 圖瓦亞,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:635 馬扎希特,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:623 塔巴卡,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:614 |
Education, Part 4 Key Issues and Needs According to one teacher in Oman, these are the key issues and needs that she has seen:
Please Pray:
Worship with us!: Show Me Your Ways by Darlene Zschech. Jesus, show Omanis Your ways! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Murri, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 609 Umq, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 589 Ad-Dahhas, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 586 Al-Marji, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 581 Al-Qaryah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 522 | 教育,第4部分
l 缺乏強大的學習技能和職業道德,這可能是由於教育體系相對不成熟造成的。 l 人們盼望將公立學校的教學職位阿曼化,但又缺乏合格的阿曼教師。(只有相對較少比例的阿曼畢業生想成為教師。)過去三四年間,大量經驗豐富的教師相繼退休,使問題更加嚴重。 l 教室過於擁擠,難以提供優質教育。 l 學校裡存在虐待(身體霸淩和性虐待),老師對學生,學生對學生。人們開始更多地談論這個問題,並開始安裝攝像頭和採用其他措施來防止這種情況發生。 l 有特殊需要的學生。 l 考試和大學入學制度及其對國家未來和就業的影響。
l 最高層領導有智慧和靈感,幫助他們做出決策(課程、系統、組織等),從而吸引學生並激勵他們好好學習。課程中推廣謊言的方面將會得到改變。 l 讓更多的阿曼人有意願並有能力成為教師。讓教師在面對大量不守規矩的學生時有勇氣、耐心和盼望。讓體制內的外籍教師只要還能繼續留在體制內,就能成為鹽和光。 l 弱勢群體得到保護。為特殊教育提供更多的資源和合格的教師。 l 教育體系和培訓計畫將幫助阿曼人未來的就業做好充分的準備。 l 外籍學校和其他培訓項目的學生和老師也能遇到耶穌。許多人能通過兒童福音團契社團受到感動並信奉耶穌。 l 祝福提供補習教育通常是矯正教育的私立機構和企業。 l 成千上萬的學生在全國各種學校的信徒們的指導下學習,將會有永恆的果實。 l 所有在國外的學生-他們會在神的子民中聽到和看到好消息,然後迫不及待地回家去談論福音。 l 神的靈會親自陪伴、指導和吸引每一位學生,特別是在生命的這個階段,許多人都在尋求自己是誰以及神是誰。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《向我展示你的道路》(https://youtu.be/vvOuEVA2h2Q),Darlene Zschech。耶穌,向阿曼人展示你的道路! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
穆里,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:609 烏姆蓋,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:589 達哈斯,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:586 瑪律吉,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:581 卡里亞,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:522 |
Holy Spirit Move in Al-Buraimi! Today, let us pray for the release of the Holy Spirit over Al-Buraimi. At Pentecost, God poured out the promised Holy Spirit, empowering the early church and drawing many to believe. Peter said in Acts 2:17-21, “What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike—and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below—blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ We want to see this, so that people in Al-Buraimi will call on the name of the Lord and be saved!
Worship with us!: Holy Spirit Come by Rita Springer Holy Spirit, come to Your people in Al-Buraimi! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Maqham, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 488 Al-Maydan, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 466 Huwayl as-Safil, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 407 Dhaharat al-Qallayn, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 389 Dabah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 375 Al-Haymli, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 353 | 聖靈
l 禱告聖靈運行在阿曼的布賴米行政區,激起人們想認識真理的渴慕之心。(馬太福音5:6) l 禱告布賴米的許多人得到關於耶穌的異夢和異象。(約珥書2:28) l 禱告降下神蹟奇事在布賴米,指向耶穌的能力和權柄。(使徒行傳4:30) l 禱告布賴米的信徒在聖靈的恩賜上得到堅固,並在聖靈的果子中成長。(哥林多前書12:4-11,加拉太書5:22-23) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《聖靈降臨》(https://youtu.be/Md_H2wpCD80) ,麗塔·斯普林格。聖靈,降臨到布賴米的人民中! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
馬克漢姆,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:488 邁丹,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:466 休威爾薩菲爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:407 達哈拉特蓋萊恩,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:389 達巴,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:375 海姆利,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:353 |
Mahdah Ambassadors and Wadis Mahdah (Arabic: مَحْضَة, pop. 3,964), is a town and seat of Mahdah district (pop. 10,601) in Al-Buraimi region. This area is also known for its natural beauty with rugged mountains and beautiful wadis, including Wadi Sharm and Wadi Al-Qahfi. It was traditionally home to the Bani Kaab tribe, and it is thought that the first Arab Ambassador to America in 1840, Ahmed Bin Na’man Al Kaabi, came from Mahdah. "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." (2 Corinthians 5:20) We bless the people of Mahdah to know Christ and become His ambassadors! Pray for the Town and District of Mahdah:
Worship with us!: Where You Go I’ll Go by Bethel. Jesus, send out Your ambassadors to Oman! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Mayhah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 348 Adh-Dhahir, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 334 At-Tayyib, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 316 Al-Madinah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 301 As-Sayghi, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 280 | 馬赫德
l 神的榮耀。神將在馬赫德得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5) l 神國的擴展。馬赫德的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16) l 心靈與頭腦。在馬赫德人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45) l 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過馬赫德的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4) l 復興。願任何生活在馬赫德的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10) l 供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給馬赫德所有有需要的人。祂要顯示祂永遠的慈愛,顯明祂國度的賜福,使祂的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《你去哪裡,我都會去》(https://youtu.be/qIo6wXVt0uI),伯特利敬拜團。耶穌,派你的使者去阿曼! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
邁哈,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:348 達希爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:334 塔伊布,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:316 麥迪那,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:301 薩吉,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:280 |
The Hajj, Part 1 Day of Travel and Arrival The next few days we will be praying for the Hajj Pilgrimage, and for the Eid Al-Adha holiday, based on a prayer guide from a House of Prayer in the Gulf. Another excellent Hajj prayer guide with illustrations can be found here. Omanis, along with Muslims from all over the world, will participate in these special events. Because the Hajj is based on a quota system, only a certain number of participants are allowed to attend per year, per country. Some 14,000 Omanis are slotted to participated in the Hajj. This year the Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca is scheduled to begin at sundown on June 25th, and end at sundown on June 29th. The most significant parts of the pilgrimage take place during the first three days. The Hajj is the pinnacle of life for many. They seek not only the forgiveness of sins, but also to deepen their allegiance to God. Since the Hajj is one of the 5 ‘pillars’ of Islam, all Muslims are commanded to perform this at least once in their lifetime if they are able. Normally, around 2.5 million people from all over the world flock to Mecca for Hajj to perform the sacred acts and follow the footsteps of Mohammed. This year it will be during one of the hottest months in the Arabian Peninsula. As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?” “Who are You, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” He replied." (Acts 9:3-5) Please Pray:
Worship with us!: Open Our Eyes by Steffany Gretzinger. Jesus, open the eyes of Omanis so they can see You! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Ghayl, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 277 Al-Aqaq, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 267 Adh-Dhuwayhur, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 266 Ayn Umq, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 263 Al-Gharwah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 262 Al-Manazif, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 260 | 麥加朝覲,第1部分
l 許多人在麥加朝覲期間都遇到過像保羅一樣的「白衣人」。 l 在他們的旅途中,他們會遭遇強烈的異象、夢境和邂逅。 l 盼望他們的眼睛能打開,心靈能夠柔軟下來,從而接受真理。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《打開我們的眼睛》(https://youtu.be/XXyfNG6WoqE),Steffany Gretzinger。耶穌,請打開阿曼人的眼睛,讓他們能夠看見你! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
蓋爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:277 阿卡格,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:267 杜瓦胡爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:266 艾因烏姆格,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:263 蓋瓦,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:262 瑪納齊夫,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:260 |
The Hajj, Part 2 Sacred Act 1: Ihram (Purity) Pilgrims going on the Hajj must enter into the state of ‘Ihram’ (purity) which involves ritual washing and then wearing white, plain garments. These garments indicate that all pilgrims are equal. Following this cleansing, pilgrims are then officially on the Hajj. As they cross the pilgrimage boundary, the men will shout ‘The Talbiyah’, a prayer: "Here I am at Thy service, O Lord, here I am. Here I am at They service and Thou hast no partners. Thine alone is all praise and all bounty, and thine alone is the sovereignty. Thou hast no partners." During this day of cleansing, pilgrims visit the Grand Mosque in which the Ka’aba is located. The Ka’aba is a black, box-like building in the center of mosque, considered to be the 'beit allah’ (House of God), As Islam’s most sacred site, it is equivalent to the Holy of Holies in the Jerusalem temple. "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (I John 1:7-9) Please Pray:
Worship with us!: Purify My Heart by Brian Doerksen. Jesus, purify the hearts of Omanis! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Bir, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 258 As-Silil, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 258 Say, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 256 Al-Qabil, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 246 Mabah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 235 | 麥加朝覲,第2部分
l 朝聖者們會真正認識到他們需要神的拯救。 l 神啟示他們無法僅靠自己或通過善行獲得救恩。 l 願主的仁慈引導他們悔改。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《淨化我的心靈》(https://youtu.be/VG3NaUZSnFI),Brian Doerksen。耶穌,淨化阿曼人的心靈吧! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
比爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:258 西利爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:258 賽義,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:256 蓋比勒,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:246 馬巴,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:235 |
The Hajj, Part 3 Sacred Act 2: Wuqoof (Standing at Arafat) This day is the most important day of the Hajj. According to Muslim scholars, this is ‘the day the faith was perfected. The Hajj only becomes valid when the Day of Wuqoof is observed. It is on this day that pilgrims believe their major and minor sins are forgiven. If they miss this day, their pilgrimage is pointless. Today, they will ask God for mercy and forgiveness as they stand or sit near Mount Arafat. The people believe as they finish this day, they are cleansed of sin and freed from shame. At sunset, a cannon sounds. Pilgrims leave Mount Arafat to go to Muzdalifah, an open plain where they sleep or stay up all night under the stars. "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ has made me free from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:1-2) Please pray:
Worship with us!: O The Blood by Kari Jobe. Jesus, thank You for Your blood that cleanses our sin and shame! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Ar-Rajlah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 232 Az-Zammah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 223 Adh-Dhahir, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 216 Ash-Shiriah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 216 Huwayl al-Mijaz, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 212 At-Tuwyan, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 202 | 麥加朝覲,第3部分
l 讓朝聖者知道祂就是那位能讓他們擺脫罪惡和恥辱的人。 l 願他們從行為和律法主義的枷鎖中得釋放。 l 願神的愛充滿他們的心。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《噢,寶血》(https://youtu.be/K14gLv8P28s),Kari Jobe。耶穌,感謝你的寶血洗淨了我們的罪孽和恥辱! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
拉賈拉,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:232 扎瑪,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:223 達希爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:216 什里亞,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:216 胡韋勒米賈茲,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:212 圖維揚,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:202 |
The Hajj, Part 4 A Day of 5 Sacred Acts and Eid Al-Adha For the pilgrims, day 3 of the Hajj is the longest day. There are 5 different sacred acts to perform, and they can be done in most any order: they will stone the pillars of Satan; men will shave their heads as an act of cleanliness; they will sacrifice a permissible animal; they will circle the ka’aba 7 times, and they will run between the two hills of Safa and Marwa. Today is also the first day of the 3-day Eid Al-Adha, or Feast of Sacrifice, commemorating when Abraham nearly sacrificed his son. Today all the Muslim world is celebrating by sacrificing an animal and gathering with family and friends. "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." (Psalm 91:1-2) Please pray:
Worship with us!: Come and Rest by Mission House. Jesus, may many Omanis enter into Your rest! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Wadi as-Sinn, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 202 Al-Khadra, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 190 As-Sarm, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 186 Zawlah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 181 An-Nid, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 180 | 麥加朝覲,第4部分
l 願朝聖者找到真正的安息。 l 當他們試圖通過行為獲得義時,他們會遇到那個能給他們的靈魂帶來安息的人。 l 盼望他們在疲憊時能遇見好牧人。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《來得安息》(https://youtu.be/Sv5gIadtLP0),Mission House。耶穌,願許多阿曼人進入你的安息! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
瓦迪西恩,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:202 卡德拉,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:190 薩姆,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:186 扎烏拉,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:181 安尼德,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:180 |
Eid Al Adha The Feast of Sacrifice Today is the second of the three-day Eid Al-Adha, or the Festival of Sacrifice, celebrated by Muslims across the world. Today’s prayer is adapted from Prayercast, with an excellent prayer video found here. Eid al-Adha honors the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah’s command. This story, so familiar to Jews and Christians from Genesis 22, is told in Surah 37 in the Quran. While the Quran does not clearly state which son of Ibrahim (Abraham) this was, most Muslims believe that it was Ishmael. The account in Genesis 22 stresses that it was the son of the promise – Isaac. Though this festival commemorates Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, the Old Testament meaning of such blood sacrifices is not understood by Muslims. Muslims understand that the sacrifice itself, as practiced during Eid al-Adha, has nothing to do with atoning for their sins or seeing blood as necessary for cleansing from sin. For Muslims, the symbolism of the blood sacrifice is in the attitude – a willingness to make sacrifices in their lives, to give up some of what they treasure, in order to stay on the “straight path.” A true Muslim – who submits completely to Allah – is willing to completely follow Allah’s commands. Pray that ON THESE DAYS:
Worship with us!: Lamb of God by Matt Redman and David Funk. You are worthy, Jesus, the Lamb who was slain! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Kharsan, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 178 Ad-Difa, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 175 Ash-Shakhar, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 175 Al-Aqd, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 173 Al-Hajir, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 173 Mala, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 173 | 宰牲節
l 穆斯林將會發現他們的敬虔行為永遠不會獲得神的悅納。 l 他們接受基督完成的救恩之功作為他們唯一的救恩之路。 l 他們將在家人拜訪期間勇敢地分享夢境、異象和基督之愛的故事。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《神的羔羊》(https://youtu.be/m9nwwRIFUic),馬特·雷德曼和大衛·芬克。被殺的羔羊耶穌,你是配得的! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
哈桑,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:178 迪法,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:175 沙卡爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:175 艾克得,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:173 哈吉爾,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:173 瑪拉,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:173 |
Eid Al Adha in Oman Markets, Meat, and Money Gifts Today is the third of the three-day Eid Al-Adha, or the Festival of Sacrifice, celebrated by Muslims across the world. Today’s prayer is partly adapted from Prayercast, with an excellent prayer video found here. The central event of Eid al-Adha is a family’s ritual slaughter of a costly animal. Every family that can afford to do so voluntarily slaughters a ritually acceptable animal (a sheep, goat, cow, or camel). Each family kills the animal in the courtyards of their house or in the streets. They cut the carcass into thirds and distribute it equally among themselves, the poor, and friends and neighbors. Every year, hundreds of millions of animals are slaughtered on this day around the world. A typical Eid al-Adha begins with Eid prayers in the morning, along with the killing of the sacrificial animal. Many communities organize a massive public outdoor prayer time in the morning of the first day of the festival. The women spend hours cooking specialty foods for the holiday, and everyone dresses in new clothes. Families, friends, and neighbors share food and gifts with each other and visit one another late into the night. In Oman, the Eid is preceded by ‘habta’ markets, traditional markets where families buy their livestock (goat, sheep, cow, or camel) for slaughter, as well as other ingredients for special meals, treats for the children, etc. Tailors are booked for weeks beforehand preparing matching dresses for the women of the family. Women and girls will also have elaborate henna designs applied on their hands for the celebration. Omanis have a series of meat dishes they prepare from the slaughtered animal: from boiled (‘maghli’) and grilled (‘mashwi’) meat dishes available on the first day of Eid, to ‘shuwa’, meat that is slow-roasted over coals in an underground oven, available on the second day of Eid. The shuwa meat is slathered with spices and wrapped in banana leaves, often with other aromatics. Families will usually share a large tanoor pit oven, and cook their meat packets altogether for 24 hours. Families joyfully go around visiting and greeting extended family and friends. During these visits, children receive ‘eidiya’, small gifts of money (crisp new bills) and candy, usually creatively wrapped. Pray that ON THESE DAYS:
Worship with us!: Worthy is the Lamb by Hillsong. You are worthy, Jesus, the Lamb who was slain! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Miraykhah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 172 Disli, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 172 Dabut, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 171 Al-Qarti, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 169 Al-Misannah, Ar-Rustaq district, Al-Batinah South region. Population: 168 | 阿曼的宰牲節
l 阿曼人將會意識到神已經為罪孽提供了終極的獻祭:祂的兒子耶穌基督。 l 神的羔羊會在夢境和幻象中顯現自己。 l 阿曼人將通過耶穌的獻祭獲得寬恕和喜樂。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《羔羊是配得的》(https://youtu.be/1gKsPMR00_Y),新頌敬拜團。耶穌,你是配得的,你是被殺的羔羊! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
米拉哈,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:172 迪斯利,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:172 達布特,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:171 卡蒂,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:169 米薩納,魯斯塔格區,南巴提奈行政區。人口:168 |