High Priestly Prayer, Part 5 John 17:24-26 This week we have been praying through John 17, the ‘High Priestly Prayer,’ where Jesus prays for Himself, His disciples, and all believers. “Father, I want those You have given Me to be with Me where I am, and to see My glory, the glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world. “Righteous Father, though the world does not know You, I know You, and they know that You have sent Me. I have made You known to them, and will continue to make You known in order that the love You have for Me may be in them and that I Myself may be in them.” (John 17:24-26)
Worship with us!: Where You Are by Leeland. Jesus, bring us near to where You are! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Hawiyah, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,519 Al-Ghubrah, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,313 Ar-Ribath, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,217 Ar-Rakah, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,054 Shuf al-Ayn, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 638 Tawi Nasir Muhammad, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 519 | 大祭司的祈求,第5部分
l 禱告阿曼信徒渴慕神的同在和親近。 l 禱告他們能更加深入地認識耶穌。 l 禱告阿曼信徒充滿神的愛並滿溢出來。 l 禱告他們合一地與耶穌同行。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《你同在的地方》(https://youtu.be/3-zVfM9SJQA),Leeland。耶穌,帶我們靠近你同在的地方! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
哈威耶,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,519 古布拉,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,313 拉巴斯,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,217 拉卡,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,054 舒菲阿因,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:638 塔威納西爾穆罕默德,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:519 |
Ar-Ruwah Musandam Wedding Music The mountain-dwelling Bedouin of Musandam are known for some of their unique music, not found elsewhere in Oman or the rest of Arabia. ‘Ar-Ruwah’ is one of these distinctive musical forms, involving 8-10 drummers who move forward, backward, and then in a circle. Specific verses of the song are performed at certain times of day. The first, al-sirah, is performed in the early morning; al-sadar is performed mid-morning; al-rawah at noon; and al-siriya in the evening. This song is heard mainly at weddings, or for other special occasions. For the director of music. To the tune of “Lilies.” Of the Sons of Korah. A maskil. A wedding song. My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the King; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. You are the most excellent of men and Your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed You forever. (Psalm 45:1-2) We bless the people of Musandam to sing a wedding song to You, King Jesus! May Your bride in Musandam rise up to worship You! Worship with us!: Even So Come by Chris Tomlin. Jesus, Your Bride longs for Your return! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Jahis, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 455 Dibik, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 379 Al-Makain, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 337 Shijjat as-Sayh, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 307 Tawi Anji, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 274 Iraysh, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 251 | 魯瓦
(可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交與伶長。調用百合花。) 我心裡湧出美辭。我論到我為王作的事,我的舌頭是快手筆。你比世人更美,在你嘴裡滿有恩惠,所以神賜福給你,直到永遠。(詩篇45:1-2)
我們祝福穆桑代姆人民向耶穌君王唱婚禮之歌!願你在穆桑代姆的新娘站起來敬拜你! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《願你快來》(https://youtu.be/4s0Zb189Sco),克里斯·湯姆林。耶穌,你的新娘渴望你的歸來! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
賈希斯,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:455 迪比克,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:379 馬凱恩,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:337 什賈特薩伊赫,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:307 塔威安吉,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:274 伊萊什,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:251 |
Holy Spirit Move in Musandam! Today, let us pray for the release of the Holy Spirit over Musandam. At Pentecost, God poured out the promised Holy Spirit, empowering the early church and drawing many to believe. Peter said in Acts 2:17-21, “What you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days,’ God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants—men and women alike—and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below—blood and fire and clouds of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the Lord arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ We want to see this, so that people in Musandam will call on the name of the Lord and be saved!
Worship with us!: Spirit of God by Phil Wickham. Holy Spirit, You are welcome in Musandam! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Shibak, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 214 Ad-Duwayqah, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 185 Tawi Hilal, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 183 Shijjat Shawjab, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 142 Tawi Rashid, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 139 Hatuh, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 130 | 聖靈
l 禱告聖靈運行在阿曼的穆桑代姆行政區,激起人們想認識真理的渴慕之心。(馬太福音5:6) l 禱告穆桑代姆的許多人得到關於耶穌的異夢和異象。(約珥書2:28) l 禱告降下神蹟奇事在穆桑代姆,指向耶穌的能力和權柄。(使徒行傳4:30) l 禱告穆桑代姆的信徒在聖靈的恩賜上得到堅固,並在聖靈的果子中成長。(哥林多前書12:4-11,加拉太書5:22-23) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《神的靈》(https://youtu.be/KuY5hv1pBUw),Phil Wickham。聖靈,歡迎你來到穆桑代姆! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
柴巴克,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:214 杜韋卡,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:185 塔威希拉爾,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:183 希賈特肖賈布,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:142 塔威拉希德,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:139 哈圖赫,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:130 |
Bukha Wisdom Instead of Foolishness Bukhaʾ(Arabic: بُخَاء, pop. 2,314) is a town and seat of Bukha District (pop. 4,466) in the Musandam Region. It is located in the southwestern side of Musandam, overlooking the Persian Gulf. It is bordered to the east by the Wilayat of Khasab and to the west by the United Arab Emirates. Like the rest of Musandam, it is marked by rugged mountains and caves. There are coral reefs off the coast, with sea turtles and rich marine life. The people of this area fish and grow dates and citrus fruits, and produce fishing boats, fishing nets, and other handicrafts. There are two distinctive forts in Bukha. Al-Bilad Fort was constructed around 1250 AD by Sheikh Suleiman Al-Shehhi, during the rule of Imam Saif bin Sultan Al-Ya'rubi. Bukha Fort was erected on the coast by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century and has been an essential part of defense and protection of the Sultanate since that time. In Arabic, Bukha can be translated ‘stupidity’. “Stupidity brings happiness to senseless fools, but everyone with good sense follows the straight path.” (Proverbs 15:21 CEV) We bless the people of Bukha to have the good sense to follow the straight path–the Way of Jesus! Pray for the Town and District of Bukha:
Worship with us!: Undignified by David Crowder. Jesus, You are worthy of our ‘undignified’ and ‘foolish’ worship!! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Riq Amur Bin Ali, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 130 Al-Aqda, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 104 Al-Wayriyah, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 86 Al-Lasak, Bidiyah district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 59 Mihlah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 3,421 Al-Hajir wa al-Khatm, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,519 | 布哈
l 神的榮耀。神將在布哈得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5) l 神國的擴展。布哈的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16) l 心靈與頭腦。在布哈人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45) l 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過布哈的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4) l 復興。願任何生活在布哈的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10) l 供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給布哈所有有需要的人。祂要顯示祂永遠的慈愛,顯明祂國度的賜福,使祂的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《降卑》(https://youtu.be/-HSmGR_lV6E),David Crowder。耶穌,你值得我們「降卑」和「蠢笨」的敬拜!! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
里克阿莫爾賓阿里,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:130 阿格達,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:104 韋里亞,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:86 拉薩克,比迪亞區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:59 米拉,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:3,421 哈吉爾瓦哈特姆,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,519 |
Madha Surrounded Madha (Arabic: مَدْحَاء, pop.3,217) is a town and seat of Mahda District (pop. 4,492) in the Musandam Region. It is actually entirely contained within the United Arab Emirates, and actually has an enclave of the UAE inside of it, called Nahwa, thus looking like a doughnut! This unique geopolitical feature resulted from the sheikhs of the local tribes choosing whom to give their allegiance to in the 1930s.The leaders of Madha thought Oman would be the stronger government, while those of Nahwa and the surrounding areas chose to align with the UAE. Madha is mountainous and sparsely populated, mainly by the Madhani tribe. Madha Fort was built in the 17th century, and there are ancient petroglyphs on rocks in the area. In Arabic, Madha can be translated ‘praise’. “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.(Psalm 145:1-3) We bless the people of Madha to give praise to the High King of Heaven! Pray for the Town and District of Madha:
Worship with us!: Surrounded by Upper Room. Jesus, You surround us and fight for us!! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Ismaiyah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,392 Mis, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,321 Al-Ghubayrah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,075 As-Siball, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,009 Ghubrat at-Tam, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 998 Sawt, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 964 | 馬迪哈
l 神的榮耀。神將在馬迪哈得榮耀,尊崇和敬拜。(哈巴谷書2:14;詩篇138:4-5) l 神國的擴展。馬迪哈的許多人將會認識耶穌,信徒群體將會扎根,激起植堂運動。(路加福音1:32-33;哥林多後書10:15-16) l 心靈與頭腦。在馬迪哈人民的頭腦中,屬靈的盲目和束縛將被破除,他們的心靈將萌發對耶穌和真理的渴慕。(哥林多後書4:4,路加福音24:45) l 權柄。用耶穌給你的權柄禱告,這權柄勝過馬迪哈的公國統治權、權勢和屬靈的營壘。求神奉耶穌的名在地上賜下先知的話語,賜下異象、異夢、神蹟和奇事。(馬太福音18:18,哥林多後書10:4) l 復興。願任何生活在馬迪哈的信徒都能被聖靈喚醒,對失喪之人的愛和熱心在他們裡面被激發,並起來滿足他們鄰舍的需要。(路加福音10:2,以西結書37:10) l 供應。願神將祂的供應和福氣帶給馬迪哈所有有需要的人。祂要顯示祂永遠的慈愛,顯明祂國度的賜福,使祂的百姓興旺。(腓立比書4:19,耶利米書29:7) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《四圍環繞》(https://youtu.be/kKXSfB-rwGU),Upper Room。耶穌,你環繞著我們並為我們而戰!! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
伊斯邁耶,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,392 米斯,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,321 古拜拉,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,075 西巴爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,009 古布拉特塔穆,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:998 桑特,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:964 |
Musandam Seekers Come to Jesus We know that the Father is actively at work in Oman, to begin drawing people to His Son, Jesus. Researchers estimate that approximately 2.5% of any given population are open for religious change. So in Musandam region, that means approximately 1,227 people are potentially open! ‘Broad sowing’ initiatives are challenging in Oman, because of laws outlawing proselytization. However, social media campaigns are starting to connect with seekers and beginning to bear fruit. Today, let’s pray for seekers in Musandam region, and the social media efforts to reach them.
Worship with us!: Come to Jesus by Planetshakers. May many Omani seekers come hungry and thirsty to You, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Khabbat, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 790 Al-Ghiyan, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 652 Awf, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 549 Al-Qaryah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 503 Al-Misfah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 484 | 穆桑代姆慕道者
我們知道天父正在阿曼積極動工,開始吸引人們歸向祂的兒子耶穌。調查人員估計,在任何給定的人口中,大約有2.5%的人對宗教改變持開放態度。因此,在穆桑代姆行政區,這意味著大約有1,227 人可能有開放心態!
l 為可能對屬靈改變保持開放的2.5%穆桑代姆行政區人口(1,227人)禱告。(使徒行傳26:18) l 禱告成千上萬真誠的慕道者在網上更多地了解耶穌,並看到媒體廣告,並參與其中。(詩篇63:1) l 禱告慕道者有勇氣與網路回應者對話,並願意與門徒教導者親自見面。(詩篇27:1) l 禱告慕道者和門徒教導者可以聚會,使他們能夠帶領慕道者委身跟隨耶穌。(馬太福音16:24) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《來到耶穌面前》(https://youtu.be/WpGhDl0MlXg),Planetshakers。願許多阿曼慕道者饑渴難耐地來到你面前,耶穌! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
哈巴特,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:790 吉揚,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:652 奧夫,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:549 卡里亞,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:503 米斯法,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:484 |
Bait Al-Qufl House of the Lock Bait Al-Qufl, translated ‘house of the lock,’ is a unique storage structure found only in Musandam. These small storage rooms were used by the nomadic tribes as they made their seasonal migration to the mountains in the summer for improved pasture and relief from the heat. These structures stored valuables as well as seed and food. They were ingeniously constructed to prevent theft. The floors were sunken about 1-2 meters (3-6 feet), with a small door that made it difficult to enter. They also built a lock system out of rocks to guard the door. “The Holy, the True One—David’s key in His hand, opening doors no one can lock, locking doors no one can open.” (Revelation 3:7-8) Jesus, open up the locks to the hearts of the people of Musandam! Worship with us!: Anxious Heart by Jeremy Camp. Thank You Jesus for unlocking our anxious hearts! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Mahafiz, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 480 Al-Harah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 448 As-Sidafi, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 388 Sayh al-Majarrah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 378 Shat, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 359 Ash-Shariq, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 357 | 鎖屋
Bait Qufl翻譯為「上鎖的房屋」,是一種獨特的儲藏結構,僅在穆桑代姆發現。遊牧部落在夏季季節性遷徙到山區尋找更好的牧場並尋求消暑時會使用這些小型儲藏室。這些建築儲存了貴重物品以及種子和食物。
「要寫信給非拉鐵非教會的使者說,那聖潔、真實,拿著大衛的鑰匙,開了就沒有人能關,關了就沒有人能開的,說:我知道你的行為,你略有一點力量,也曾遵守我的道,沒有棄絕我的名。看哪,我在你面前給你一個敞開的門,是無人能關的。」(啟示錄3:7-8)耶穌,打開穆桑代姆人民的心鎖吧! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《焦慮的心》(https://youtu.be/xle0Cf9acGM),Jeremy Camp。耶穌,感謝你解開我們焦慮的心鎖! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
馬哈菲茲,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:480 哈拉,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:448 西達菲,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:388 賽赫馬賈拉,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:378 什特,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:359 沙里克,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:357 |
Movements Rapid Multiplication of Disciples and Churches in Musandam We want to see the fullness of the Kingdom of God coming into every part of Musandam region, like yeast penetrating the entire batch of dough (Matt. 13:33). And the fastest way for this to happen is by rapidly reproducing disciples and groups (churches), who spread and multiply within and across their families, tribes, social networks, and societies. Acts 6:7 is our heart’s desire and fervent prayer: “God's word reigned supreme and kept spreading. The number of Jesus' followers in [Musandam] quickly grew and increased by the day.” Let’s pray for the church that is forming in Musandam:
Worship with us!: This is Your Church by Every Nation Worship. Jesus, build Your church in Musandam! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Qarr, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 335 Al-Kufuf, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 334 Sayh al-Badu, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 331 Al-Waljah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 305 Al-Ghamsah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 292 | 運動
l 禱告慕道者/新門徒會組成團體,一起禱告和學習神的話語,形成一個教會。(希伯來書10:25) l 禱告這些新的團體/教會會逐漸成熟和擴張,引領運作良好的重複栽培教會的運動。(使徒行傳16:5) l 禱告這些團體和人際關係網中興起和倍增阿曼人的帶領。(提摩太後書2:2) l 禱告當新信徒、新團體和新領袖湧現時,神在屬靈上保守他們脫離仇敵,遮蓋他們。(彼得前書5:8) l 禱告這些運動會克服阻礙成長的障礙,如恐懼、驕傲、墮落、不合一等。(以弗所書4:1-4,20-23) l 禱告唯獨基督會成為這些團體和運動的根基。(哥林多前書3:11) l 禱告神的國度的豐盛,如同在天堂一樣在穆桑代姆傳播並滲透到社會和文化的每一個方面。(馬太福音6:10) l 與我們一同敬拜吧!《這是你的教會》(https://youtu.be/AP38dFzubCE),Every Nation Worship。耶穌,願你在穆桑代姆建造你的教會! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
蓋爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:335 庫富夫,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:334 賽耶巴杜,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:331 沃爾迦,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:305 甘薩,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:292 |
Telegraph Island Going 'Round the Bend' Telegraph Island is a small island off the coast of Musandam. In the 19th century, it was the location of a British repeater station used to boost telegraphic messages along the Persian Gulf submarine cable, part of the London to Karachi telegraphic cable. It was not an easy posting for the operators, with the severe summer heat and hostility of local tribes making life extremely uncomfortable for them. According to legend, the expression "go round the bend" (to go crazy or out of one’s mind) comes from this place, a reference to the heat making British officers desperate to return to civilization, which meant a voyage around the bend in the Strait of Hormuz back to India. Today, Telegraph Island is a reminder of the British Empire’s past influence in the area. Abandoned in the mid-1870s, the island has remained deserted and only the ruins of the repeater station and the operators' quarters can be seen. The island is regularly visited by dhows carrying tourists to view the ruins and to fish and snorkel in the waters around it. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7) Today, let’s pray for Omani’s suffering from mental illness. Pray that the stigma around mental health will be lifted. Pray that they will get the help they need from qualified professionals, in culturally appropriate ways. Pray that they will find the Prince of Peace, who calms their anxieties and lifts their depressions. Worship with us!: Sound Mind by Bryan and Katie Torwalt. Jesus, thank You for giving us a sound mind! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Ash-Shuqur, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 288 Aqda, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 281 Ar-Rikakiyah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 279 Ihda, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 269 Naqib, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 269 Tawl, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 266 | 電報島
今天,讓我們為阿曼患有心理疾病的人禱告。禱告圍繞心理健康的污名將被消除。禱告他們能以符合當地文化的方式從合格的專業人士那裡得到所需的幫助。禱告他們能找到和平之君,平息他們的焦慮,消除他們的抑鬱。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《健全的心智》(https://youtu.be/fMUg9V1NtuA),Bryan and Katie Torwalt。耶穌,感謝你賜予我們健全的心智! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
舒庫爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:288 阿克達,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:281 里卡基亞,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:279 伊赫達,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:269 納齊布,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:269 塔烏,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:266 |
Jerz Axe Musandam Tool and Weapon The Shihuh tribe of the Musandam Peninsula are known for the unique axe that they use. The ‘jerz’ (Arabic: جيرز) is a small axe-head on a long stick, about a meter (3 feet) long. Traditionally, the Shihuh used the axe for many purposes: chopping firewood, providing a grip for climbing the rugged mountains, and as a walking stick (gripping the metal axehead) to step over rocky terrain. They also used the jerz as a prop to hold sacks carried over the shoulder during their seasonal migrations from the mountains to the coasts. The hatchet also came in handy to ward off surprise attacks from the wild animals, as well as in combat. The handle is decorated by cutting lines and crosses into the wood, and the axe-head is fashioned from intricately engraved steel. The ornamentation of the blade of the jerz was usually with criss-cross designs and chevron stripes. In the past prayers were inserted into the jerz to cast away evil spirits. The jerz is unique to Musandam, and its origins are unknown. “You are my battle-ax and sword,” says the Lord. “With you I will shatter nations and destroy many kingdoms.” (Jeremiah 51:20) God, You are sovereign over the nations of the earth. Even now, with war in the Middle East, we trust You to use governments and rulers to bring about Your Kingdom. In Oman, use the Sultan and other leaders to accomplish Your Kingdom purposes in the region. Worship with us!: He’s a Battle Axe by Florida Mass Choir. Jesus, thank You for fighting for us in the time of battle! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Qabil, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 263 Sawmhan, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 260 As-Suwayqmi, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 252 Al-Hammam, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 239 Al-Arjali, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 228 Ajma, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 216 | 傑茲斧頭
神啊,你是地球上所有國家的統治者。即使現在中東戰火紛飛,我們仍然信任你會利用政權和統治者來實現你的國度。在阿曼,利用蘇丹和其他領導人來實現你在該地區的國度計畫。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《他是戰斧》(https://youtu.be/XcqWWS5nAi4),Florida Mass Choir。耶穌,感謝你在戰鬥中為我們而戰! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
加比爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:263 薩姆漢,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:260 蘇韋奇米,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:252 哈曼,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:239 阿賈利,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:228 艾吉瑪,迪瑪瓦塔因區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:216 |
Gates and Doors, Part 1 Be Opened Up! One of the most striking features of Omani architecture is its emphasis on ornate entryways, from city gates to family homes. Today, enormous fort-like gates span highways to signify entry into a city. In the past, city gates were daily opened and closed. In fact, the Muscat Gate (pictured) was closed daily at sunset into the 1970s! In a similar way, family compounds are walled and often with ornate gates. And inside the compounds, houses are decorated with carved wooden or crafted metal doors. The designs and materials often reflect Oman's international character, such as Zanzibari wood carvings, or using Persian or Indian motifs. “I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.” (John 10:9) Jesus, You alone are the door to eternal salvation. We bless the Omani people to enter into Your Kingdom by believing in and following You. May they enter into Your Kingdom and find peace. Jesus, You open doors that no one can shut, and shut doors that no one can open (Rev. 3:7-8). We ask You to open up this nation to Your Gospel, in a way that cannot be shut! Worship with us!: King of Glory by Heartcry of David. Jesus, King of Glory, enter in and take Your place in Oman! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Biyyud, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 209 Al-Qafsah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 202 Al-Qutayfi, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 194 Ghiyadah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 194 Ar-Rusayli, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 190 Sayh al-Harmal, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 190 | 大門和家門,第1部分
耶穌,求你打開無人能關的門,關閉無人能開的門(啟示錄3:7-8)。我們禱告你以一種無法關閉的方式向這個國家敞開你的福音! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《榮耀君王》(https://youtu.be/OOmTMZsHCJY),Heartcry of David。耶穌,榮耀君王,請進入阿曼並佔據你的位置! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
比尤德,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:209 卡夫薩,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:202 庫塔菲,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:194 吉亞達,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:194 魯賽利,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:190 賽伊哈馬爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:190 |
Gates and Doors, Part 2 Open Access to Communities and Families Gates and doors send a message to visitors. If closed, they can say "Keep out! Stay away!" If open, they proclaim "Come in! You are welcome!" They offer protection and safety, as well as hospitality. They are points of entry and exit, boundaries and openings. They control movement, and access. They are points of meeting, of business, of relationship. So from cities to communities, from families to individuals, may open doors in the physical realm correspond with open doors in the spiritual realm! “For there is a wide open door for me to preach and teach here. So much is happening, but there are many enemies.” (I Cor. 16:9, TLB) God, please open a wide door for Your Gospel in Oman! May it be preached and taught with freedom, power, and authority. Protect Your Word and Your workers from those who would oppose the Good News. May many families and communities be open to receive Your Word! Worship with us!: King of Glory by Passion. Jesus, King of Glory, open up the gates! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Hayl al-Harim, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 178 Adh-Dhahir, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 169 Maqta, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 167 Ad-Dirah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 165 Al-Hayl, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 162 | 大門和家門,第2部分
神啊,請為阿曼的福音敞開一扇大門!願福音帶著自由、能力和權柄被傳揚和傳授。保護你的話語和你的工人免受那些反對福音的人的侵害。願許多家庭和社群敞開心扉接受你的話語! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《榮耀君王》(https://youtu.be/WiRXP9peUe4),Passion。耶穌,榮耀君王,求你打開大門! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
海爾哈里姆,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:178 達希爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:169 馬克塔,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:167 艾迪拉,迪瑪瓦塔因區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:165 海爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:162 |
Gates and Doors, Part 3 Come In, King of Glory! We believe in confidence that gates and doors to Oman and her peoples are being opened up through our prayers. Let’s increase our faith and believe that things are changing, and that King Jesus is ready to come in! Declare This: So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you eternal doors! Here He comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. (Psalm 24:9, TPT)
Worship with us!: Praise The Name (Ancient Doors) by REVERE and Benita Jones. Jesus, King of Glory, come in through Oman's ancient doors! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Janah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 153 Sayh al-Aqrab, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 145 Sayh Bu Sabakh, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 142 Hayl al-Kabir, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 136 Sidab, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 135 Al-Midayrah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 131 | 大門和家門,第3部分
l 我們宣佈,榮耀君王已準備好進入阿曼! l 我們宣告,大門和家門敞開了!我們宣告,人們的精神、心靈和思想都敞開了! l 我們宣告,社群和家庭敞開心扉迎接榮耀君王! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《讚美聖名(古門)》(https://youtu.be/wrOG4Zyhq8Q),REVERE and Benita Jones。耶穌,榮耀君王,從阿曼的古門進來! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
賈納,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:153 賽赫阿克拉布,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:145 賽赫布薩巴赫,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:142 海爾卡比爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:136 西達卜,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:135 米代拉,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:131 |
Ripe Fields Praying for the Harvest in Musandam "As you look around right now, wouldn’t you say that in about four months it will be time to harvest? Well, I’m telling you to open your eyes and take a good look at what’s right in front of you. These [Musandam] fields are ripe. It’s harvest time!" (John 4:35–MSG) Musandam has had very limited Gospel witness and no known believers. It is difficult for Kingdom Workers to gain long-term access there. Let’s pray to the Lord of the Harvest, to open doors and thrust out laborers, and to reap much fruit!
Worship with us!: We See the Fruitful Harvest by Engage Worship. Jesus, Your harvest is ready in Oman! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Sayh al-Mibhis, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 124 Bidayat al-Jawabir, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 123 As-Sus, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 119 Madrah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 110 Al-Alya, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 109 | 成熟的莊稼
l 我們宣告,穆桑代姆行政區將獲得成熟、豐碩的收成! l 我們宣告,在穆桑代姆有許多好土壤,將結出三十倍,六十倍和一百倍的果實! l 我們宣告,穆桑代姆的大門為播種者和收割者敞開! l 我們宣告,過去在穆桑代姆播下的種子,一定會找到好的土壤,得到澆灌,茁壯成長! l 我們宣告,穆桑代姆的收割時間是現在,而不是以後! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《我們看到豐收莊稼》(https://youtu.be/IToLE4_mLak),Engage Worship。耶穌,你的莊稼已在阿曼預備好了! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
賽伊米希斯,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:124 比達亞特賈瓦比爾,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:123 蘇斯,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:119 馬德拉,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:110 阿利亞,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:109 |
Isaiah 60, Part 1 A New Prayer Initiative Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance. Look and see, for everyone is coming home! Your sons are coming from distant lands; your little daughters will be carried home. Your eyes will shine, and your heart will thrill with joy, for merchants from around the world will come to you. They will bring you the wealth of many lands. Vast caravans of camels will converge on you, the camels of Midian and Ephah The people of Sheba will bring gold and frankincense and will come worshiping the Lord. The flocks of Kedar will be given to you, and the rams of Nebaioth will be brought for My altars. I will accept their offerings, and I will make My Temple glorious. (Isaiah 60:1-7) Christians in the Arabian Peninsula have been reading Isaiah 60:1-7 for several years and longing and praying for God to move among the nations listed: Sheba, Midian, Nebaioth, Ephah and Kedar. All these nations are found today in the Arabian Peninsula, mainly in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and Oman. God is raising up more people to join them in their prayers in this season. Join us in praying this prophetic promise of Scripture into fulfillment! Based on the Bible and Assyrian records (the superpower of Isaiah's day) the nations of Isaiah 60 are shown on this map. The lands these peoples occupied changed through history as they expanded their territory through conquest, were displaced as they were conquered, and moved with their flocks in search of water and pasture. These ancient tribes would have intermarried over the last 2,700 plus years and today it would be hard to find people groups that say they are ‘Midian’ or ‘Ephah’ or ‘Nebaioth.’ Yet Isaiah says that in the future these nations will bring amazing gifts and praises to the Lord Jesus Christ. Join us in longing to see the people of the Arabian Peninsula come to Him and worship Him. Ancient Sheba included southern Oman and prospered from the frankincense coming from this area. So we know that as Isaiah 60 is fulfilled, it includes Omanis! Find out more about the Isaiah 60 Prayer Initiative here. God, thank You for Your Word and its sure promises. Thank you that people from Oman and the Arabian Peninsula will come in worship to the King. Shine Your light over these dark places! Worship with us!: Rise and Shine by The Belonging Co. Jesus, shine Your light in Oman! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Jibtayn, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 105 Al-Hisn, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 102 Bidayat Ar-Rahbiyin, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 101 Al-Ajaf, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 100 Al-Mauziyah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 98 Ar-Rihani, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 80 | 以賽亞書60章,第1部分
神啊,感謝你的話語和確鑿的應許。感謝你讓阿曼和阿拉伯半島的人民前來敬拜君王。願你的光芒照亮這些黑暗的地方! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《興起發光》(https://youtu.be/jn-gGqbKQQg),The Belonging Co。耶穌,請將你的光芒照耀到阿曼! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
吉布泰恩,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:105 海森,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:102 比達亞特拉比因,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:101 阿賈夫,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:100 毛茲亞,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:98 里哈尼,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:80 |
Isaiah 60, Part 2 The Glory of the Coming Kingdom Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the Lord rises to shine on you. Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you. All nations will come to your light; mighty kings will come to see your radiance. (Isaiah 60:1-3) This passage looks ahead to the reign of Christ, when one day He will return and rule upon the earth. His glory shines forth in the New Jerusalem, and the nations and kings will come to see the glory of King Jesus and His Kingdom. Jesus, we long for Your returning, and we long for You to rule and reign upon the earth! Even now, when the Holy Land is in war and chaos, and darkness as black as night covers the nations, we are desperate for Your glory to arise and shine. Thank You that Oman and its Sultan will come to You on that day to behold Your glory! Find out more about the Isaiah 60 Prayer Initiative here. Worship with us!: Arise Shine by Kathryn Marquis. Jesus, shine the light of Your glory in Oman! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Haluf, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 68 Al-Midabghah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 62 As-Salmah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 57 Al-Latba, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 52 Al-Haylah, Dima Wattayeen district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 50 | 以賽亞書60章,第2部分
點擊此處(https://www.pray-ap.info/Isaiah60.html)了解有關以賽亞書第60章禱告倡議的更多資訊。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《興起發光》(https://youtu.be/tb04dcmoazM),Kathryn Marquis。耶穌,請將你的榮耀之光照耀在阿曼! 馬太福音18:14重點—「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
哈魯夫,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:68 米達布哈,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:62 薩勒瑪,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:57 拉特巴,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:52 海拉,迪馬瓦塔耶恩區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:50 |
Isaiah 60, Part 3 The Nations Coming Look and see, for everyone is coming home! Your sons are coming from distant lands; your little daughters will be carried home. Your eyes will shine, and your heart will thrill with joy, for merchants from around the world will come to you. They will bring you the wealth of many lands. Vast caravans of camels will converge on you, the camels of Midian and Ephah The people of Sheba will bring gold and frankincense and will come worshiping the Lord. The flocks of Kedar will be given to you, and the rams of Nebaioth will be brought for my altars. I will accept their offerings, and I will make my Temple glorious. (Isaiah 60:4-7) All these nations listed in these verses are named after the children or grandchildren of Abraham that settled in what is now Arabia. They are bringing their gifts - camels and young camels, gold and frankincense, flocks and rams. They have the good news and praises to the Lord. They are ministering to the Lord. They are bringing Him gifts acceptable for His altar. They are beautifying His house. Thank You, Jesus, for Your followers in these lands now, Saudia, Yemenis, and Omanis. May multitudes come into Your Kingdom in the coming years. Thank You for their worship, and their sacrificial lives and precious offerings. May You receive all the glory and honor that You are due, that which is unique and special to these peoples. Find out more about the Isaiah 60 Prayer Initiative here. Worship with us!: Arise and Shine by Here Be Lions. Jesus, shine the light of Your glory in Oman! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Al-Yahmadi, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 5,574 Al-Haymah, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 2,488 Al-Filayj, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,912 Ath-Thabti, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,901 An-Nasib, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 1,730 Al-Hazm, Ibra district, Ash-Sharqiyah North region. Population: 725 | 以賽亞書60章,第3部分
點擊此處(https://www.pray-ap.info/Isaiah60.html)了解有關以賽亞書第60章禱告倡議的更多資訊。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《興起發光》(https://youtu.be/h_6fLx5QOw4),Here Be Lions。耶穌,請將你的榮耀之光閃耀在阿曼!
亞赫馬迪,伊卜里區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:5,574 哈邁,伊卜里區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:2,488 菲萊伊,伊卜里區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,912 塔布蒂,伊卜里區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,901 納西布,伊卜里區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:1,730 哈茲木,伊卜里區,北沙基亞行政區。人口:725 |