December prayer points
![]() Sultanate of Oman Authority, Power, and Strength For the month of December, we will be revisiting some of our earlier posts from throughout the year. 'Sultan' (Arabic سلطان) is a royal title with various historical meanings. It is an Arabic title meaning "strength", "authority", "rulership" and "dictatorship", derived from the Arabic root سلطة (sulṭah), meaning "authority" or "power". Later, it came to be used as the title of certain rulers over Muslim lands who claimed almost full sovereignty in practical terms, without claiming the overall caliphate. It is similar to a king, but usually also carries religious significance. Currently only Oman and Brunei are national Sultanates, while there are smaller sultanates within the nations of Malaysia and Indonesia. The Sultan is more than just a figurehead, he is the absolute monarch. Any and all legislation comes as a royal decree. Under Sultan Qaboos (ruled 1970-2020), the Sultan was also the Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs, commander of the military, and chairman of the Central Bank. Sultan Haitham (ruling 2020-present) has since divested some of that power to others, and is no longer the Minister of Finance nor Minister of Foreign Affairs. Nevertheless, his power is still thorough and wide-ranging. "Pray much for others; plead for God’s mercy upon them; give thanks for all He is going to do for them. Pray in this way for [the Sultan] and all others who are in authority over us, or are in places of high responsibility..." (I Timothy 2:1-2, TLB) Pray that God would:
Worship with Us! Overcome by Jeremy Camp. All authority belongs to Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Arjut Ashkharayt, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 113 Ardayt, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 106 Barq, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 106 Jidayrt, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 88 Kizayt Isuq, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 73 Dar Shaat, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 69 Aqtadanut, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 67 | 阿曼蘇丹國
l 開啟蘇丹的心,聆聽並回應福音信息。-使徒行傳16:14 l 幫助蘇丹知道他的職位是神授予的。-但以理書2:19-22 l 幫助蘇丹接受明智的建議。-箴言11:14;15:22 l 教導蘇丹信靠祂。-詩篇21:7 l 保護蘇丹免受那惡者的影響。-帖撒羅尼迦後書3:3 與我們一同敬拜吧!《征服》(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tf2zzWQRnmE),Jeremy Camp。一切權柄都屬於耶穌! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
阿爾朱特卡哈雷特,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:113 阿爾代特,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:106 巴爾克,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:106 吉代爾特,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:88 克扎伊特蘇克,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:73 達沙特,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:69 阿克塔達努特,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:67 |
![]() Ad-Dakhiliyah Region Inside Oman's Interior Ad-Dakhiliyah region (Arabic: الداخلية, population: 478,501), meaning 'the interior', lays in the inside of the Hajar mountains, geographically isolated from the coastal regions. For centuries it was ruled by Ibadhi imams as a distinct government from the Sultan in Muscat, and only became part of the Sultanate in 1959. It is the heart of conservative religion and culture, and home to majestic mountains, green date palm oases, and historic forts. Nizwa is the region's ancient capital and cradle of conservatism, and Bahla is another significant city known for its occult power and practices. Bahla's fort is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and Nizwa's fort is the most-visited tourist site in the nation. The Daris Falaj (irrigation canal) system is the water of life in the region, and likewise a UNESCO World Heritage site. This region has 9 districts: Nizwa, Bahla, Adam, Bidbid, Al-Hamra, Izki, Manah, Samail, and Jebel Akhdar. Ad-Dakhiliyah is the cultural and spiritual heart of the nation. As it goes here, it goes with the of the nation. Pray for breakthrough in this strategic region!
Worship with us!: Reckless Love by Cory Asbury. May the Dakhiliyah region know the reckless love of the Father! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father! Sharshatti, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 67 Kayzit Amqat, Rakhyut district, Dhofar region. Population: 50 Jufa, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 876 Hasik, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 774 Hadbin, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 726 Wadi Hadbin al-Gharbi, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 326 Shalyun, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 211 | 達希利亞行政區
達希利亞(https://maps.app.goo.gl/VZ7WiDJ6dhAR8wc18)行政區(阿拉伯語:الداخلية,人口:478,501),意為「內陸」,位於哈吉爾山脈內部,地理上與沿海地區隔絕。多個世紀以來,該地區一直由伊巴迪派伊瑪目統治,該地政府與馬斯喀特的蘇丹政府有所區別,直到1959年才 成為蘇丹國的一部分。這裡是保守宗教和文化的中心,擁有雄偉的山脈、綠色的椰棗樹綠洲和歷史悠久的堡壘。
l 多年來,該地區有許多福音見證,但目前基督徒人數很少。請禱告更多收割工人再次來到該行政區。 l 該行政區給人一種「隱秘」的感覺-村莊隱藏在高山之中,有圍牆堡壘,地理位置偏僻,黑暗隱秘。禱告祂的光明和祂的愛能夠穿透黑暗,追尋迷失的人。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《不顧一切的愛》(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc6SSHuZvQE),Cory Asbury。願達希利亞行政區了解天父不顧一切的愛! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
沙沙蒂,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:67 凱茲特阿姆卡特,拉罕尤特區,佐法爾行政區。人口:50 朱法,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:876 哈西克,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:774 哈德賓,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:726 瓦迪哈德賓加爾比,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:326 沙利恩,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:211 |
![]() Blessing Ad-Dakhiliyah A Mighty Fortress "You’re as real to [them] as bedrock beneath [their] feet, like a castle on a cliff, [their] forever firm fortress, [their] mountain of hiding, [their] pathway of escape, [their] tower of rescue where none can reach [them]. [Their] secret strength and shield around [them], You are salvation’s ray of brightness shining on the hillside, always the champion of [their] cause. " (Psalm 18:2 TPT) May the peoples of Ad-Dakhiliyah come to know the true and living God as their fortress and refuge! May they know the reality of Your nearness and Your strength! Shine the light of Your salvation upon them! Worship with us!: A Mighty Fortress by Christy Nockels. Jesus, we take refuge in You! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Shiab Bayt Said, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 142 Fushi, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 129 Wadi Hadbin al-Usti, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 127 Fashghi, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 113 Jazal, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 87 Afirta, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 70 Wadi al-Liniti, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 66 | 祝福達希利亞
我們祝福達希利亞的人民認識這位又真又活的神,作為他們的堡壘和避難所!我們祝福他們,讓他們知道你的同 在和你的大能!求你將你救恩的光照耀他們。 與我們一同敬拜!《大能保障》(https://youtu.be/nT6qiTVhN0M),克利斯蒂·諾克爾斯。耶穌,我們投靠你! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
希亞布貝特賽義德,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:142 富什,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:129 瓦迪哈德賓烏斯提,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:127 法什吉,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:113 賈扎勒,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:87 阿菲爾塔,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:70 瓦迪利尼蒂,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:66 |
![]() Adh-Dhahirah Region Awaiting His Appearing Adh-Dhahirah region (Arabic: الظاهرة, pop. 213,043) is located in northwest Oman, bordering Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The name comes from the Arabic root, ظهر, which has multiple meanings. One is the back of body (as opposed to the neighboring region Al Batinah, related to the root word for stomach). It also means to appear, to show, to manifest, to become visible. We want Jesus to be seen clearly for who He is in this region--that He may be made visible, manifest, and apparent here! The capital of this region is Ibri, which is from the Arabic root عبر, meaning 'to cross' or 'crossing', and was the site of ancient caravan crossroads. There are two other districts in this region, Yanqul and Dhank. Nearby there is a UNESCO world heritage site of 3000-year-old tombs, remnants of a once-thriving civilization. Oman's largest oil field is also here, operating since 1968. “Then, the Arrival of the Son of Man! It will fill the skies—no one will miss it. Unready people all over the world, outsiders to the splendor and power, will raise a huge lament as they watch the Son of Man blazing out of heaven. At that same moment, he’ll dispatch his angels with a trumpet-blast summons, pulling in God’s chosen from the four winds, from pole to pole. (Matthew 24:30-31, The Message) Let’s pray for the Adh-Dhahirah region:
Worship with us!: The Lion and the Lamb by Leeland. May many in Adh-Dhahirah see Him and bow before Him! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Sirunt, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 56 Wadi Akharfiti, Sadah district, Dhofar region. Population: 55 Anjarti, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 7,529 Tayjrur, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 3,201 Diqdur, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 2,613 Ghur Aar, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 1,290 Zayk, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 1,063 | 扎希拉行政區
l 在這個地區很少有福音的實地見證。求神使更多的信徒能搬到這裡在這裡安居,作勇敢的見證。 l 禱告線上媒體外展能滲透到該行政區偏遠的山村和沙漠營地。 l 我們宣告,扎希拉的人民將看到祂的出現,並且在那一天將從每個部族中聚集許多人! 與我們一同敬拜!《獅子與羔羊》(https://youtu.be/rT-HulZ6TQA),Leeland。願扎希拉中的許多人看見祂並在祂面前跪拜! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
西倫特,塞德赫區,佐法爾行政區。人口:56 瓦迪阿卡菲蒂 |