![]() Blessing Muscat Region Connected to God by the Great High Priest Let us continue to pray for and bless the key capital region of Muscat. Click here for a short prayer video about Muscat.
Declare this over Muscat: This certain hope of being saved is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls, connecting us with God Himself behind the sacred curtains of heaven, where Christ has gone ahead to plead for us from His position as our High Priest, with the honor and rank of Melchizedek. (Hebrews 6:19-20)
Worship with us!: Great High Priest by Cameron Keith. Thank You that Omanis have access to the Father through You, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Rashmum, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 73 Qayshit, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 72 Arshiti, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 71 Al-Marakh, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 68 Andayb, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 68 Aanthuq, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 66 Ashishta Harut, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 65 | 祝福馬斯喀特行政區
l 禱告福音從馬斯喀特傳遍整個阿曼,讓更多的人呼求耶穌的名來獲得拯救。 l 感謝神讓教會在這裡的歷史根源。禱告更多的光和生命能夠透過生活在馬斯喀特的基督徒照亮一切。 l 正如羅馬是一座重要的首都,禱 告馬斯喀特也能成為人們在基督裡接受神的愛、恩典與平安並被稱為他的聖徒的地方。(羅馬書1:7)
l 我們祝福馬斯喀特的行政區和人民獲得永恆的拯救,作為他們靈魂的錨! l 願他們通過我們大祭司所完成的工作與神建立聯繫! l 感謝耶穌為阿曼人民代禱! 與我們一同敬拜吧!《大祭司》(https://youtu.be/0jr4ckWuMpM),卡梅倫·基斯。耶穌,感謝你讓阿曼人通過你來到天父面前! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
拉什穆姆,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:73 蓋希特,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:72 阿爾希蒂,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:71 阿爾馬拉赫,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:68 安達布,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:68 安圖克,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:66 阿什塔哈魯特,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:65 |
![]() Oman Seekers Come to the Manger We know that the Father is actively at work in Oman, to begin drawing people to His Son, Jesus. Researchers estimate that approximately 2.5% of any given population are open for religious change. So in the nation of Oman, that means approximately 116,110 people are potentially open! ‘Broad sowing’ initiatives are challenging in Oman, because of laws outlawing proselytization. However, social media campaigns are starting to connect with seekers and beginning to bear fruit. Today, let’s pray for seekers in Oman, and the social media efforts to reach them. Especially during this Christmas season, may many Omanis be drawn to Emanuel, God With Us!
Worship with us!: Come to Jesus (Reconciliation Hymn) by People of the Earth. May many Omani seekers come to the newborn King, Jesus! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Hujlayn, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 65 Ahyuf, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 64 Aasmin, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 63 Dhafniyah Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 63 Hadlil, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 63 Shayruskh, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 63 Kazayt Atah, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 61 | 阿曼慕道者
l 為可能對屬靈改變保持開放的2.5%阿曼人口(116,110人)禱告。(使徒行傳26:18) l 禱告成千上萬真誠的慕道者在網上更多地了解耶穌,並看到媒體廣告,並參與其中。(詩篇63:1) l 禱告慕道者有勇氣與網路回應者對話,並願意與門徒教導者親自見面。(詩篇27:1) l 禱告慕道者和門徒教導者可以聚會,使他們能夠帶領慕道者委身跟隨耶穌。(馬太福音16:24) 與我們一同敬拜吧!《來到耶穌面前(和解讚美詩)》(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7vyWtQXMlo),People of the Earth。願眾多阿曼慕道者來到新生的君王耶穌面前! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
胡傑萊恩,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:65 阿尤夫,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:64 阿斯明,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:63 達夫尼亞,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:63 哈德利爾,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:63 謝魯什赫,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:63 卡扎伊特阿塔,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:61 |
![]() Ash-Sharqiyah South Region From the Rising of the Sun Ash-Sharqiyah South region (pop. 315,445) was formed in 2011, when Ash-Sharqiyah region was divided into North and South. It is in the northeast corner of the country, and the easternmost point of the entire Arab word. The regional capital, Sur, was once a major center for maritime international trade with East Africa and South Asia. The beaches in this region are famous for their beauty and wildlife—the nesting sea turtles, majestic humpback whales, white-sand beaches, and good surfing. Besides beautiful coastlines, this region is also home to Sharqiyah Sands, which are famous for desert camping and dune-bashing. This is the land of the rising sun; Ash-Sharqiyah means 'eastern' in Arabic, and the Arabic word for sunrise comes from the same root. Let's declare His praise over this land! Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. (Psalm 113:2-3)
Worship with us!: Promises by Maverick City. Faithful Jesus, we worship You from the rising of the sun to its setting! Matthew 18:14 Focus—‘Your Father in heaven does not want one of these little ones to be lost.’ Please bring these towns and villages before the Father: Anshaf, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 60 Ashqul, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 60 Atsah Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 60 Hurat, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 60 Ajya, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 59 Ambishaq, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 59 Atafaf, Salalah district, Dhofar region. Population: 59 | 南沙爾基亞行 政區
l 讚美神,最近有幾位神國工人遷入該行政區。禱告他們得到保護並安定下來,禱告許多分享福音的大門為他們敞開。 l 該地區曾有過一些見證福音的歷史,20世紀60年代和70年代曾有一所宣教醫院。但這裡幾乎沒有已知的信徒。禱告慕道者對真理如饑似渴。 與我們一同敬拜吧!《應許》(https://youtu.be/HC87F9WQWHU),Maverick City。信實的耶穌,我們從日出到日落都敬拜你! 馬太福音18:14重點-「你們在天上的父也是這樣,不願意這小子裡失喪一個。」
安沙夫,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:60 阿什庫爾,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:60 阿薩,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:60 胡拉特,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:60 阿賈,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:59 安比沙克,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:59 阿塔法夫,塞拉萊區,佐法爾行政區。人口:59 |
![]() Blessing Ash-Sharqiyah South His Name Will Be Great! Ash-Sharqiyah South has 5 districts: Sur (the regional capital), Al Kamil w’al-Wafi, Jalan Bani Bu Ali, Jalan Bani Bu Hassan, and Masirah (a large island off the coast). There are a diversity of peoples here, from Swahili-speaking sailors to Bedouin tribes still living in tents in the desert sands. Declare this over Ash-Sharqiyah South: |