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Bibliography for the Gospel of Barnabas arranged in chronological order


Bibliography for the Gospel of Barnabas arranged in chronological order

The Muslim site dedicated to the GBV /English text (Ragg 1907):

GBV – Gospel of Barnabas, the Italian manuscript in Vienna

GBS – Gospel of Barnabas, the Spanish manuscript in Sydney

Italian (GBV) and Spanish (GBS) critical editions:

  • Ragg, Lonsdale & Ragg, Laura: The Gospel of Barnabas (Clarendon Press, 1907; reprint: Forgotten Books, 2015) [GBV / English]

  • Bernabé Pons, Luis Fernando: El texto morisco del Evangelio de San Bernabé (Universidad de Granada, 1998) [GBS Spanish only]

Modern translations:

  • Cirillo, Luigi & Frémaux, Michel.: Évangile de Barnabé: recherches sur la composition et l'origine (Editions Beauchesne, Paris, 1977) [GBV / French]

  • Giustolisi, Eugenio & Rizzardi, Giuseppe: Il vangelo di Barnaba. Un vangelo per i musul­mani? (Istituto Propaganda Libraria, 1991) [GBV / Modern Italian]

  • Linges, Safiyya: Das Barnabasevangelium (Spohr Publishers Ltd. 1994) [German Muslim ed.]

  • Cirillo, Luigi & Frémaux, Michel: Évangile de Barnabé: Fac-similé, traduction et notes (Editions Beauchesne, 1999) [GBV + GBS / French]

Books and articles by date of publication:

  • Ragg, Lonsdale: The Mohammedan, Gospel of Barnabas” (Journal of Theological Studies 6, 1904, pp. 424-433)

  • John Fletcher: The Spanish Gospel of Barnabas (Novum Testamentum 18. October 1976, pp. 314-20)

  • Cirillo, Luigi: Evangile de Barnabe: recherches sur la composition et l’origine (Editions Beauchesne, 1977)

  • Cotterell, F. P. : The Gospel of Barnabas (Vox Evangelica 10, 1977, pp. 43-47)

  • Slomp, Jan: The Gospel in Dispute (Islamochristiana 4, 1978, pp. 67-111)

  • Sox, David: The Gospel of Barnabas (Allan & Unwin, 1984)

  • Schirrmacher, Christine: Mit den Waffen des Gegners – Reihe Islamkundliche Untersu­ch­un­gen 162 (Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1992)

  • Wiegers, Gerard: Muhammad as the Messiah – A comparison of the polemical works of Juan Alonso with the Gospel of Barnabas (Bibliotheca Orientalis LII. April-June 1995, pp. 245-291)

  • Bernabé Pons, Luis Fernando: El Evangelio de San Bernabé: un evangelio islamico espanol (Universidad de Alicante, 1995)

  • Bernabé-Pons, Luis F.: Zur Wahrheit und Echtheit des Barnabasevangeliums, In: Werte­wandel und religiöse Umbrüche – Religionen im Gespraech 4 (Zimmermann Druck und Verlag, 1996, pp. 133-188)

  • Koningsveld, Pieter S. van: The Islamic Image of Paul and the Origin of the Gospel of Barnabas, (Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 20, 1996, pp. 2176-228)

  • Slomp, Jan: The ‘Gospel of Barnabas’ in Recent Research (Islamochristiana 23, 1997, pp. 81–109)

  • Gilchrist, John: Facing the Muslim Challenge (Life Challenge Africa, 1999)

  • Pulcini, Theodore: In the Shadow of Mount Carmel – The Collapse of the ‘Latin East’ and the Origins of the Gospel of Barnabas (Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations Vol. 12. No. 2. April 2001, pp. 191-209)

  • Oddbjörn, Leirvik: History as a Literary Weapon: The Gospel of Barnabas in Muslim-Christian Polemics (Studia Theologica 2002/1, pp. 4-26)

  • Joosten, Jan: The Gospel of Barnabas and the Diatessaron (Harvard Theological Review 95, January 2002, pp. 73-96)

  • Perry, Mary Elizabeth: The Handless Maiden – Moriscos and the Politics of Religion in Early Modern Spain (Princeton University Press, 2005)

  • Hollander, August den & Schmid, Ulrich: The Gospel of Barnabas, the Diatessaron, and Method (Vigiliaee Christianae 61, 2007. pp. 1-20)

  • Schirrmacher, Christine: Has the True Gospel of Jesus Been Found? – On the First German Edition of the  Gospel of Barnabas” (Islam institute, 2008)

  • Ingram, Kevin (ed): The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond, Vol. 1. (Brill, 2009)

  • Yasin, Ibn: The Authenticity of the Gospel of Barnabas (Xlibris Corporation, 2011)

  • Eliav-Feldon, Miriam: Renaissance Impostors and Proofs of Identity (Palgrave Mac­mil­lan, 2012)

  • Drayson, Elisabeth: The Lead Books of Granada (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)

  • Griffith, Sidney: The Bible in Arabic (Princeton University Press, 2013)

  • García-Arenal, Mercedes & Mediano, Fernando Rodríguez: The Orient in Spain – Con­verted Muslims, the Forged Lead Books of Granada and the Rise of Orientalism (Brill, 2013)

  • García-Arenal, Mercedes & Wiegers, Gerard (eds): The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain – A Mediterranean Diaspora (Brill, 2014)

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